I need a good ROTJ jet pack.....


Well-Known Hunter
I need a good ROTJ jetpack.....

I am looking for a good ROTJ jet pack. I have seen a few out there. I would like one with aluminum parts and that can be tricked out. Does anyone know where to get one? I'd like to work a trade. I need help (not mental) with this.

Best regards,

Imperial Sandtrooper
you can talk to some guy's a TK409. I know they sell aluminum parts and theres a link to a guy who sells good jet packs.
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www.goldenarmor.com,, you can try there. I just talked to the guy today about one. They are quick with a response. But I just posted a question up asking if anyones bought from them before. I think I found them on the TK 409 web page.
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Golden Armor's jet packs arrive in extremely rough condition. I do not recommend it, I just linked to his site. PM Sent, PostMortem01.
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Rex also known as Bountys Hunted could get you a kick butt jet pack. seek em!

MLC is the maker of the jet pack, but go through Rex.
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SEEKER said:
Rex also known as Bountys Hunted could get you a kick butt jet pack. seek em!

MLC is the maker of the jet pack, but go through Rex.

YES! this is what you want to do
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I ordered mine from Bountys Hunted.
MLC has very nice quality stuff in general though.
I bought my ESB Sidearm from him and am very pleased!
I just can't wait to get the pack!
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:facepalm hmm does that mean GA's packs are bad?? I like myn... except for the thrusters and the 2 fold lines on the bottom, it's great! 2,5 kg...

jetpack side.jpg
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