
The Clayster

Well-Known Hunter
well i have an idea for a leg holster for my mandalorian, so he can carry a pistol.
i am going to use a westar,but only going to use one, so does anyone have an idea on just using one westar, and having a leg holster?
Ya, just use a similar rig to Han Solo and attach both ends to the middle front and middle back of the belt and there ya go.You can us snap-buttons or any other connection piece. I know it may go through the loop in the front, but you can put a short prong inside the loop, make a belt hole in the end of the strap and there ya go. Pretty much the same thing I got on my Solo belt holster. Works wanders, and is really secure for troppin' around in. It stay to when you sit down. I was a bit worried it wouldn't, but it was compeltely secure through out the night.

Or you can use belt loops like this: http://www.blackhawk.com/product_detail.asp?product_id=4246&d=
Yep, a thigh holster is the way to go in my opinion. I have a thigh rig for my Glock that I wear camping or shooting and they're comfortable-and you just feel cool when you wear it for some reason.:D I think I have a spare Westar (Rubies version) that's brand new. If you still need one let me know, i'll give it to you cheap...You may want to check out the holsters for paintball pistols, they make a wide variety of shapes and sizes, some are very adjudtable to fit most any pistols-I believe the Ariakon or something like that was the one I was thinking about using...Good luck in finding something that suits you.

You could have it attached directly to the thigh armor. Of course on the fromt, but have it over lap a bit then use a strap to help secure the entire shin armor to the thigh (one of two or more of course). The holster can he made out of syntra or whatever material you like, and make it so that it follows the profile of the blaster.

You could use something like a covertec clip, but one with a quick release so that you don't have to fumble around with pressed a button or release it, just slide it out.

You could have the grip end angled out a bit for easier deployment. With a straight up and down holster you have to pull up to get it out of the hilt and then point/aim/shoot. This way, instead of pulling it up and out, your just basicly bringing your arm up from your side in one sweeping motion. Either that or some quick release that gives the same one motion sweeping action. It may only give a person 1-2 extra seconds, but that counts in a shoot out.
Yep, a thigh holster is the way to go in my opinion. I have a thigh rig for my Glock that I wear camping or shooting and they're comfortable-and you just feel cool when you wear it for some reason.:D I think I have a spare Westar (Rubies version) that's brand new. If you still need one let me know, i'll give it to you cheap...You may want to check out the holsters for paintball pistols, they make a wide variety of shapes and sizes, some are very adjudtable to fit most any pistols-I believe the Ariakon or something like that was the one I was thinking about using...Good luck in finding something that suits you.

Yeah, I have the Overlord holster, and its super adjustable, but it "hides" most of all the blaster, so if you want it showing when you walk, it may not be the best....But it looks super awsome when your walking around the paintball feild. :cheers
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