Helmet update pictures


Active Hunter
Well here is a few shots with and without flash of my helmet. I have not finished it yet.

I have to paint kill stripes and a little rust here and there and scuff it up with scotchbrite and black wash it.

I know the rangefinder is backwards. DOH

well i guess I will have to buy AL stalk and hollow lit rangefinder to take its place.








What do you think
:thumbsup: :thumbsdown:
:thumbsup: great stuff, indeed, what helmet is that?

* maybe you can clean up ur visor a little, myn has some small dirty places aswell, glue and paint, not much, but still.

never tried to clean myn, afraid of wreckin it, but if you find a way ...:p
R_boba_fett said:
* maybe you can clean up ur visor a little, myn has some small dirty places aswell, glue and paint, not much, but still.

I've used a Cotton swab or Q-tip and some Testors Paint Thinner to clean any paint off my visor...Something not to strong. I've even tried regular rubbing alcohol. Both worked great for me.
AFettFullofDollars said:
Yeah man, Good Job! Is that a Marrow_Sun?

Yes it is. Love the helmet.

also the visor is just dusty. I have not blown off from drilling holes for ears and rangefinder.
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