I recently purchased a finished "Mystery" helmet off ebay. I am new to the Fett stuff and very quickly becoming more educated about these helmets. I do not believe this was one of Sgt. Fang's and I should have got one directly from him. Anyway I am suspious the helmet is to small. The opening measures 9.25 inches wide and 10.25 front to back. The outer circumference is approx. 30 inches. My head is 23.25 around at my eye brow. I cannot get my pumpkin size head in the bucket, the cheeks catch my brow. Thank you for any feedback. The helmet appears to be made of a flexible white resin, I compared it to buckets on Star Wars Helmets.com, it has the correct shape and the paint work is as good as those on there, and it is well padded. My skull is just too big. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...MEWN:IT&viewitem=&item=260054531831&rd=1&rd=1
Star Garrison
Star Garrison
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