Helmet decal question

So I want to take my Sideshow PF Fett and put the deacals on the ear pieces. I have TK-409 picture, but am having a problem with sizing. What should the length and width of the picture be for full size? The program I use makes it a differnt size when I use it.
Wouldn't you have to reduce them by a huge amount to put them on that figure???
I've got one of those figures on order as well, and will probably do a helmet repaint. I'd say it would almost be easier to paint the markings on by hand, or use a fine tipped Sharpie or something.
Ah. . . I gotcha.
Well if you're talking about the kill stripes, from the front of the first stripe, to the back of the last stripe, Mine measure about 8 1/8" or 20.6 cm.

For the "U's" on the ears, I have a set of vashdstampede's vinyl decals, and they measure out to: 1 15/16" (49mm) for the height of the black "U", and about 1 1/8" (28mm) for the height of the white "U."

Hope that will give you a good basis to start from.
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