Helmet companies


Active Hunter
Hello Everyone. I have a Rubies boba Fett helmet and I don't think it's going to work out. I know of a person I already plan on ordering from, but... what companies make more accurate helmets? I hear good things about Don Post.
I'm wanting to join the 501st legion, and I finally came to my senses and decided to go for another company. any other companies you guys get your helmets from?

thanks everyone.
Marrow sun has an awesome helmet coming out soon! Skygunbro makes really nice helms too (I have one). There are others, but stick with one of these 2 dudes.
Boba Maker and Marrow Sun are not cheap as you'd see from a Don Post or a Rubies. If you go to a Don Post, attempt to find a DP '95, they have a better shape and are more accurate. Paint-wise... eh. No matter what helmet you get, it will have to be painted, unless you buy a pre-painted helmet that was done by hand.
I was thinking of the Don Post and a repaint. the DP is in better shape and more accurate? I'm keeping all the suggestions in mind. I looked at Skygunbro's site and he has a few DP ESB version helmets he repainted.
If your on a budget Skygunbro makes a very nice helmet for the price. If you want a step up MS or BM, but your gonna pay for it $$$$
I don't want a big fancy helmet expensive helmet that I'd have to work for the next 5 years to pay off. I just want something basic, and something the 501stso would accept.
I don't want a big, fancy, expensive helmet that I'd have to work for the next 5 years just to pay off. I only want something decent, fair priced, and something the 501stso would accept.
You can usually get a decent helmet for under 200 unpainted. Shoot Marrow a PM and ask him about pricing. I personally thing and many will agree with me on this, the helmet is the one place not to skimp on, it is the main focus point of the costume. A great costume with a bad helmet looks like a bad costume, an ok costume with a great helmet looks like a good costume. Marrow offers his most of the time so if money is the issue then just save for a while and work on something else.
The person I have in mind can paint it, put in a new visor and padding inside it for around that much as well. Within the next few weeks, I should be ready to order it.
I made my choice and I'm going to order the RotJ version. I finally got enough money for the helmet and another part of the armor.
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