300ZX Fett
New Hunter
I'd just like to say hello to my fellow Fett lovers. I'd like to get cracking on my own costume Fett (ROTJ). I've loved Star Wars ever since I was a kid and had a bounty hunter deck when the SWCCG was out and as only up to ROTJ. Since I started college I kinda stopped with Star Wars, I used to have a wall of Fett with a signed hat, figure, watch, and Nintendo Power ad of Shadow of the Empire with Fett on it among other things. Lately my car has drained my funds and I still would like to do my engine swap with about 500 HP to wheels (I've est 7K). Anyways I'd like to know about how much you spent total on the costume and if there is any advice you have. I don't want to cheap out if at all possible, because knowing me it will cost more in the long run. I would like to finish this before next Halloween if I could.
Thank you,
Thank you,