Boba Fret
Hey everyone. My name is Scot, I’m from a small town about an hour outside of Philly. I’m a long time lurker and never would have imagined I’d be posting this today. I’ve always admired y’all for your attention to detail and being able to pull off these amazing Boba kits. I’ve always wished I could be crafty and artsy and build my own kit, but I didn’t have the time or money for that. I’m working three jobs at the moment, and have three small kids, so time is a valuable commodity. I never thought I’d be able to be Boba, until faithful visits to the Cargo Hold here yielded a too-good-to-be-true result. Someone who was my heigh, weight and shoe size was unloading a full kit, minus helmet for a very reasonable price. I already had an EFX bucket, so I took the plunge on this used Bobamaker V3 kit. It is astounding. I’m so happy I did this and I’m looking forward to cracking open Pandora’s box even further. I plan to modify my EFX bucket to be accurate to ROTJ SE, and get rid of all those pesky gaps. But for now it’ll do just fine. I’m not quite ready to troop yet, so not looking for approval right now, just doing it for fun and maybe even for display. Then when the kids are older I plan on going out to troop. Here are a couple shots of the kit. The EFX definitely looks good with it. I can’t wait to fix a couple of the known issues and get it looking even better.