Harness Idea


New Hunter
Just thought I would throw this out to the group. My jet pack is pretty solid and it has some weight to it. I was a little concerned about how to build a harness and I did not think the average black nylon strap was going to cut it. I searched for 'military harness' on Ebay and came up with an ammo harness that came over the shoulder and had the grommet style belt. I used the belt to fit around my chest and then cut and sewed the remaining straps together. This is working great for me. It features a low profile front clasp that helps since it is under the armor and the harness is very sturdy. The sholder straps are also padded and are very comfortable. The nice thing is the military also kept in mind that all its attire for it's troops may need to be mended in the field and it is fairly easy to sew. Just thought I would drop this in case someone else was looking for a way to hold up a heavier style jet pack or just wanted an alternative idea. Enjoy.


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Got that H-harness and web belt all cramed together.lol I thought about that myself but I had to pass. Im sure your going to be hurting after an hour or so with that on.
Not to hijack your thread, but I thought I would toss this idea in the mix also. I just picked up one of these Adams Football Blocking Vests at Dick's Sporting Goods for $7.00 in a clearance bin.


With a few alterations and some straps to hold the :jet pack and the SCUBA belt buckle, it should turn out very similar to BKBT's harness system.
hey gator!
looks great! but won't that stick out from under your vest, it looks pretty long on the pic, or will you wear it under the jumpsuit aswell?
R_boba_fett said:
hey gator!
looks great! but won't that stick out from under your vest, it looks pretty long on the pic, or will you wear it under the jumpsuit aswell?

It just looks long in the picture. The harness alone is completly covered by my vest. I added some nylon loops around the bottom of the harness to hold the "false" belt and SCUBA buckle. Depending on how I am standing, the buckle is either covered by the vest or it peaks out the bottom, similar to the exibit photos.

If you want me to, I can get a coulple pics of my completed harness tonight and post them here?

Yes!!!!! please do post pics as i'm in the process of looking to get a harness system set up / started for my :jet pack
This one seems pretty sturdy and useable.....
:facepalm I really have hijacked this thread. Sorry bneally.

This is how my harness came out, and how the US Divers buckle shows below the vest.




bneally said:
Just thought I would throw this out to the group. My jet pack is pretty solid and it has some weight to it. I was a little concerned about how to build a harness and I did not think the average black nylon strap was going to cut it. I searched for 'military harness' on Ebay and came up with an ammo harness that came over the shoulder and had the grommet style belt. I used the belt to fit around my chest and then cut and sewed the remaining straps together. This is working great for me. It features a low profile front clasp that helps since it is under the armor and the harness is very sturdy. The sholder straps are also padded and are very comfortable. The nice thing is the military also kept in mind that all its attire for it's troops may need to be mended in the field and it is fairly easy to sew. Just thought I would drop this in case someone else was looking for a way to hold up a heavier style jet pack or just wanted an alternative idea. Enjoy.



I have the same harness
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Yeah...works pretty good for me, Jango and I think it is comfy. NP Gator :) It's all about the free sharing of ideas for fellow Fetters!!
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