Guns into Blaster - Which ones will work?


Active Hunter
Guns into Blasters - Which ones will work?

Just a discussion I thought might be good to bring up. I don't if it's been brought up like this before, but I know it's been a talked about in spots here and there.

So, what guns, modern, old, ect, do you tihnk would work as a mando gun, with and without mods? We all know Nerf can be mando, so I'm not even gonna worry about that. I'm tlaking baout real model guns, rifles and pistols.

I've seen the FN-P90 brought up, the H&K G36c, and a few others. I was thinking that with some mods, this MP5 varient could work:

Perhaps not an expensive Tokyo Mauri airsoft, but CYMA makes a cheaper one.

So, what guns do yyou all think could work as mando guns?
I've posted this picture several times before.


It wouldn't take much more to make it "star warsy"

For those wondering, it started out as an M4 airsoft carbine by Marui, and is still full automatic and fully functional (at least as an airsoft carbine) Very little modification work has been done on it and most parts are aftermarket. It wouldn't take much, a little bit of sintra, some greeblies and it could be turned into a convincing star wars blaster rifle. Failing that, the trooper blasters by Hasbro have plenty of room to get creative on.

For those interested, I'll scrounge up some sketches of blasters based on the DC15 carbine and other various blaster designs I came with while bored, all of which could be easily made with pre-existing airsofts or blaster kits and toys on the market.
Ya, that would be great, thanks!

for those that don't know, Hasbro just came out with 2 new Nerf blasters, the rebel and clone blasters. They're blue, which sucks, but nothing a little sanding and spray paint can't fix. And they're supposed to make sounds too, even without the nerf darts. I think they even have the same "laser pointer" as the Nerf Nite Finder:

I know I said about not worrying about Nerf, but I thoguht these would be alright to post up.

EDIT: Here's a gun I found on eBay. It supposed to be able to break off the long barrel, which could work for a convincing blaster:
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Ya, that would be great, thanks!

for those that don't know, Hasbro just came out with 2 new Nerf blasters, the rebel and clone blasters. They're blue, which sucks, but nothing a little sanding and spray paint can't fix. And they're supposed to make sounds too, even without the nerf darts. I think they even have the same "laser pointer" as the Nerf Nite Finder:

I know I said about not worrying about Nerf, but I thoguht these would be alright to post up.

EDIT: Here's a gun I found on eBay. It supposed to be able to break off the long barrel, which could work for a convincing blaster:
I am sorry to report that the Nerf SW blasters do not make noise I have the Clone trooper blaster and it does not make noise at all.:(
Well, when I made my blaster for my mando (admittedly about two years ago), I went and bought an airsoft .44 magnum off of Ebay.

The whole idea of a super-blaster was something that was conotative to my mando's style, a blaster that brings somone down in a single shot, though it cannot shoot very many times in a quick succession.

Started with this:

Ended up with:

Name: DL-68 (Modified by owner)
Manufacturer: BlasTech
Year of Introduction: 6 ABY

Firing modes: Semi-Automatic
Refire: Slow
Powerpack: 6 shots
Gas Pack: 48 Shots
Optimum range: 50 meters
Maximum range: 200 meters


(note, there is some sick glare, so the silver on the knife and gun apears to be almost white.)
alright, here are 3 fairly cheap airsofts that I quickly "modded" via photoshop, very crude, but it should give you a fairly good idea what can be done with these models. (photos were shamelessly stolen from Kappowwe, just giving credit, not endorsement)


Mp5 with "shell" over it and doodads

FaMas super version

FaMas mod

Cheapo sniper rifle

Mando heavy sniper rifle

There you go. Alteratively you could just go and visit my deviant page (shameless plug)

and look at the various weaponry doodled in there, don't forget the scraps section, mucho goodies in there too.
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