Guantlet progress with pix


Active Hunter
Here is my first attempt of making armor. This is the Ruffkintoy guants. I have tryed to match colors and waether as much as possible. I will know have to do the windshield washer fluid with black paint wash. I have a question about doing the wash. should I spray the entire guantlet with the wash then wipe off with a towel? any help is appreciated.




Ohhh!!! Pretty snazzy!!! Well done. About the Blackwash thing...I dunno how other folks are doing it, but I completely drenched the heck out of my gauntlets with it, then allowed it to air dry. I didn't wipe anything off with a towel, but rather alowed the stuff to pool in some areas...kinda gave it the appearence of grime buildup. I would think that you could certainly wipe off areas with a towel though...If you need more, just let it dry & do it again. LMK if you want me to post pics of mine;) Again, great looking gauntlets! :thumbsup:
Hey I tried the black paint, butit does not look any different. Maybe the paint is the wrong kind. I was using the flat black testors model paint. Should I get a water based paint?
I sprayed it down about 4 times and it does not look any different.

How much paint are you mixing with the washer fluid??? I used testors flat balck acrylic, but used quite a bit. the washer fluid looked pretty dirty when I mixed it up. I prayed my gauntlets down with it 2 times. Heres how they look.


You can really see towards the front of the gaunt, where it looks kinda grimey...thats from the balckwash. Its kinda subtle. I would try adding more paint to your mixture, but do only a little bit at a time until you get it to look like you want. Hope that helps:)
Windex and paint? Sounds like if you were to rub up against anything, you would both cause it to become dirty from the paint and bleached from the Windex. Do you pour the paint into the Windex bottle?

If the moon was made out of ribs, would you eat it? It is a simple question.

Jango's kid wrote:

Ohhh!!! Pretty snazzy!!! Well done. About the Blackwash thing...I dunno how other folks are doing it, but I completely drenched the heck out of my gauntlets with it, then allowed it to air dry. I didn't wipe anything off with a towel, but rather alowed the stuff to pool in some areas...kinda gave it the appearence of grime buildup. I would think that you could certainly wipe off areas with a towel though...If you need more, just let it dry & do it again. LMK if you want me to post pics of mine;) Again, great looking gauntlets! :thumbsup:
no, no twindex, windshield wiper fluid, i think thats pointless...

just use acrylic and water.....
hey guys, now to sound like an idiot...but...what does the wash stuff do to the gauntlets? what kind of wash do i use?
It makes it look dirty. just another weathering trick.

I got soe acrylic paint to try it again.

After soaking it big time about 7 times, the silver is just a little dirt looking.

dang oil based paint. Water based should be much better, then dull coat and one will be done.

What kind of dull coat does everyone use. I have looked at wal-mart and matte finish is all I see. any pointers?
now do you mean "stink" as in not effective, or stink as in OH MY GOD THE ROTTEN EGGS HAD A CHILD WITH THE SKUNKS ON A HOT SUMMER DAY
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