Good Airsoft guns for blaster conversions

hey guys, these are a few airsoft bb pistols that I found. It seems that they would make good templates for modification into blaster style Star Wars guns.....they are on my computer so they are attatched. Let me know what you guys think....





if anyone cares, the second and third guns are from a website called, and are found by clicking "pistols" then "Kokusai". They are about 100 dollars. The others are from, under the heading "gas guns". They are all roughly 100-150 dollars.
I'd try looking for 'em on Ebay; I found the gun from the first picture on Ebay for about 15$. And it does seem to have potential for Fett-purposes..:)
Well, the two last pictures are of the Mauser C96, and I believe that is actually what Han Solo carries - though slightly modified. So for that, you've made an excellent finding :)
This reminds me when I asked advice on my ROTJ blaster's weathering... I did mine around working airsoft pistol, and got a little heat from members here about the 'working weapon that shoots' part. If you build one with these, be extra careful when handling them...
The top one is some sort of rifle variation of the Ruger Mk1 (the gun that Greedo carries).
The last two are M712 Mausers - similar to the standard 1896 broomhandles used in the original trilogy. There was an M712 in Episode I.
I've been wanting to try and adapt the below air pistol into my version of a Verpine sniper rifle-without hacking it up, although I'm sure that's a stretch...Any thoughts on what (if anything) it could be made into?


I've been wanting to try and adapt the below air pistol into my version of a Verpine sniper rifle-without hacking it up, although I'm sure that's a stretch...Any thoughts on what (if anything) it could be made into?


I think that would be a great place to start for an ESB sidearm.
post of the living thread! lol, necro-posting for fun and profit. but this is kinda cool, that mauser rifle variant just got the gears in my head spinning.
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