Ok, I have some glueing problems. Here is my issue I bought some resin type of glue. It comes in two parts, resin and hardner. I mixed the two together with about equal parts of resin and hardner. I patched a hole on my Jet pack, it worked great. I glued my thrustors together, it worked great. But when it came to glueing my caps together not so much. I glued part of cap A to part of cap B. I used the same resin type of stuff, the caps are made out of resin, so I think that it should have worked. But I did this on Monday evening, the hole in the packed tried in four hours, the rockets dried in four hours. But the caps, still not dry, it ha been about a day and a half. How much longer should it take to get hard, or will it ever get hard. If it doesn't get hard what approach should I take to get that glue off. At the current state the clue fells like chewed chewing gum. Also what type of glue should I use in the future. Please tell me the exact product name and were to get it. The people at Home Depo said that the stuff I got was good stuff.