Girth belt run update and missing thread info


Active Hunter
Hi guys....
Well ….part of the girth belts order are right on schedule.
The missing ones are looking to come in August :facepalm :( :confused . Sorry guys its those damn 34's everytime.
I have part of the order and 4 of the 6 -34’s are missing as in previous orders before (I had 2 left from my last order) and the 38’s are missing as well. This is par for the course with these it seems, those of you who know and have done all the work to research these damn things will understand. Those who can’t appreciate that … well I’m sorry. I takes work and it is not that simply done as you will eventually find out as we all do.
I am sorry if any one felt I was lacking and not keeping anyone up to date.
I have been answering all inquires made through pm’s or emails. As I said before my supplier would have them by the 15 th of June and once she unpacked her order and stocked everything in and shipped them to me, they are right on time yes??? No more explanations. I don’t know where the old thread is and don’t care really. I don't have the time nor the need by which to argue petty bickerings.

I did have an incident this morning from this order and he was refunded his money. On that note I will no longer do these. Sorry :(
So patience was not his strongest point and unfortunately with these girths and many other hard to come by Fett items patience is key.
I will be re posting my list with sizes to reconfirm with everyone this is their correct size.
I just need to say this as some do not seem to understand that those of us who do offer Fett items have a life. We do tend to get busy and all I am asking is to not jump the gun and flip out if I don’t reply to you in a day. I am not on the computer everyday. I have family and job, a costuming business and a life. Just… like… you … I hope. I am really busy this time of the year making costumes, I have several projects going and I am a one woman show guys. I am not looking to make an excuse here, just be patient. I mean geez, I have been working on my Fett for over a year, you think I don’t want mine done?? Get over it!!
OK with that said heres the list and please confirm your sizes.
All orders will be shipped pending sizes acquired in this shipment and who paid first, end of story.
In no particular order here is who I have:
Caomhanach 36” (shipped 6/30)received ......Framed 34”(shipped 9/08)
Lions Pride 34” (shipped 6/30)received......Jonny-dh 36”(shipped 7/7)
Rmschneider 38” (shipped 6/30)received......Indy Solo 36”(shipped 7/7)received
99 cent taco 34” (shipped 6/30)received...... Mac Rory 36” (shipped 7/7)received
Desert Beagle 34” ........ (shipped 9/7)receivedCount Dookie 36”(shipped 7/7)
Lonerthx 38” (shipped 6/30)......Texas Fett 38”(shipped 9/08)
Evan4218 34” ........ (shipped 9/7)Take Me to Your Fett 36”(shipped 7/7)
Gaogaiger 34” ........(shipped 9/7)Yak Cam 44”(shipped 7/7)
Sancho 36” (shipped 6/30)received......johndjango 36”(shipped 7/7)received
Xaoslord 40” (shipped 6/30)received......Goro 34”(shipped 9/08)received
Kidakira 34”(shipped 9/08)received.......Poopsko 36"(shipped 9/7)
Saxter 34/32(shipped 9/08)received

Thanks to those of you who have been patient and have taken the time to write me and see whats going on, I replied in a reasonable fashion. All you need to do is ask and not wonder where your belt is... right??? No more cry babies!!!:lol: :moon
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crazy4BobaFett said:
Thanks to those of you who have been patient and have taken the time to write me and see whats going on, I replied in a reasonable fashion. All you need to do is ask and not wonder where your belt is... right??? No more cry babies!!!:lol: :moon

Hi Christi! :)

Sorry to hear that some moron ruined for everyone else and you will no longer do these. :(

Thanks for doing all the ones you did! :thumbsup:

I don't think people realize how tough these things are to secure now. They used to be readily available. Now people will have to handle this headache by themselves. :facepalm

For those who have gotten them from you already (from the last run) and those in this one, thank you so much as we all know what you went through... both times... :cheers ...and yes thats my size, 36" ...:thumbsup:

...btw, can you dye them for us as well??? :lol: :lol: j/k...
Hi Cristi,

Don't let one (or two) bad apples spoil it for everyone. You do good work.. everyone knows it, and that's all that matters. Waiting and patience is just part of the hobby. Don't let a few impatient people get you down.

My size is correct by the way. Thanks for the update.

I am truly sorry some folks pushed you into not doing these anymore. I can't thank you enough for dying mine with the rest. I was going to order one of your belts to have just incase. I hope you reconsider your eralier decision.
36" is right on :D

Sorry to hear that people cannot be patient =( . You were up front with ETAs and have been very gracious to offer these up. As you said it does take time :lol: I don't how I could make this rig work without patience :lol:. I appreciate your efforts and thank you for your dedication to making this happen.

Very exciting!
I am also sad to hear how some have chosen to thank your hard work. The fact that this run wouldn't be happening until June was clearly communicated in your first thread. I have never worked on an order for over 20 people, so I can only imagine the time you have dedicated to this and to the previous runs. The 40" is the correct one for me. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for getting this order together. From the sounds of the previous posts, I am not the only one who appreciates your efforts.
Christi, sorry to hear this. You did an awesome job on my belt. And even had to do it twice as it didn't look right to me the first time. You didn't even give me a hard time. :) I think you should reconsider and maybe at some get back to doing these. If someone complains, refund their money. No questions asked. That will teach them. It really is a huge help for people that can't do one for themselves. It was a pleasure doing business with you. It's too bad some people don't know how to wait.
Guys..... Really thanks so much for all the kinds words really. I appreciate it I do. I am glad to hear you guys who have them are pleased with them enough to want another. Not a bad Idea really. I must apologize for the harshness that I now read in my thread after the fact. I was really ticked off yesterday not only by the claim at pay pal for a non delivered girth by a member here in the last run. Whom has now explained why and apologized, confirmed his lack of patience and was worried he would be at a loss for the funds if he didn't claim it at pay pal with in the 45 day period. Understandable. So with that mess straightened out I regress. I know that costuming is a toll on your patience guys (you just want it done, I know more than anyone) and I do want you all to know thanks for yours!!!

I will do my best to keep this thread from disappearing as the last one did.
As I ship the girths I post here whos is going out, you'l recieve a pm with your delivery conf. #. I am overwhelmed right now with costumes for comic con so I am really trying to concentrate on those as well as my stuff for con and etc. etc. Believe me theres more, I should post a pic of my sewing studio hurricane. :lol:
You guys can always reach me thorough my email or pm's, just know I do not get on the comp on the weekends ever!!! Thats my time, no work.:lol:
I check here daily ( I'm in and out) and will respond within a day.
Pending on how I feel come the end of July I may reconsider the girth belts (maybe) guys.... no promises. I know how difficult they are to get and even my supplier is having a hard time. She is pulling all her resources for them as well. She got in a shipment of the entire order a week ago but it had the propulethelene(don't quote the spelling) the stuff they treat them with that keeps the dye from taking and she flipped out too!!!:lol: She has been the silent partner on my end who has been a great help and I wanted you guys to know that as well. Its not just me freaking out, she is as well. I talk with her almost weekly on these things and she thinks its hysterical what they are used for, she a big horse geek! I sent her a pic and she :lol: :lol: :lol: her butt off.
Anyhow thanks again guys and the few 34's and couple of 38's will have to wait: Justin,Albert,Goro,Jerone,Matt, & Eric guys I am so sorry you have to wait a bit longer. If you need to get in touch with me you know how.
I'll try to post some pics of some of the costumes I am working on if I can before they ship. I have a Bariss Offee, a expanded universe Jedi from the Knights of the old Republic comic as well as all my gear.
Take Care guys and I hope to see some of you at Comic Con!!!
crazy4BobaFett said:
I'll try to post some pics of some of the costumes I am working on if I can before they ship. I have a Bariss Offee, a expanded universe Jedi from the Knights of the old Republic comic as well as all my gear.

I for one would love to see your work Christi, we have a lady here close by in the Midwest Garrison that does dress's/gown's/other costumes also and when I seen her work I was just floored on how intricate and extravigant these are. I had no idea she did these. It's great to hear of someone else who likes doing this also. :thumbsup:
crazy4BobaFett said:
Guys..... Really thanks so much for all the kinds words really. I appreciate it I do. I am glad to hear you guys who have them are pleased with them enough to want another. Not a bad Idea really. I must apologize for the harshness that I now read in my thread after the fact. I was really ticked off yesterday not only by the claim at pay pal for a non delivered girth by a member here in the last run. Whom has now explained why and apologized, confirmed his lack of patience and was worried he would be at a loss for the funds if he didn't claim it at pay pal with in the 45 day period. Understandable. So with that mess straightened out I regress. I know that costuming is a toll on your patience guys (you just want it done, I know more than anyone) and I do want you all to know thanks for yours!!!

I will do my best to keep this thread from disappearing as the last one did.
As I ship the girths I post here whos is going out, you'l recieve a pm with your delivery conf. #. I am overwhelmed right now with costumes for comic con so I am really trying to concentrate on those as well as my stuff for con and etc. etc. Believe me theres more, I should post a pic of my sewing studio hurricane. :lol:
You guys can always reach me thorough my email or pm's, just know I do not get on the comp on the weekends ever!!! Thats my time, no work.:lol:
I check here daily ( I'm in and out) and will respond within a day.
Pending on how I feel come the end of July I may reconsider the girth belts (maybe) guys.... no promises. I know how difficult they are to get and even my supplier is having a hard time. She is pulling all her resources for them as well. She got in a shipment of the entire order a week ago but it had the propulethelene(don't quote the spelling) the stuff they treat them with that keeps the dye from taking and she flipped out too!!!:lol: She has been the silent partner on my end who has been a great help and I wanted you guys to know that as well. Its not just me freaking out, she is as well. I talk with her almost weekly on these things and she thinks its hysterical what they are used for, she a big horse geek! I sent her a pic and she :lol: :lol: :lol: her butt off.
Anyhow thanks again guys and the few 34's and couple of 38's will have to wait: Justin,Albert,Goro,Jerone,Matt, & Eric guys I am so sorry you have to wait a bit longer. If you need to get in touch with me you know how.
I'll try to post some pics of some of the costumes I am working on if I can before they ship. I have a Bariss Offee, a expanded universe Jedi from the Knights of the old Republic comic as well as all my gear.
Take Care guys and I hope to see some of you at Comic Con!!!

I know how that is, this can be a frustraiting hobby. :)

I am testing out a manufacturer here in the states that dose size 34" and up in plain 100% Mohair just to see if they would even work. I will post a review when it comes and if I deam it workable I will list it as an option. That way not all the weight is on you. Sadly I think that has been the most difficult peice to find for my suit. :facepalm

Keep up the good work and hope to run into you in a finished fett someday soon!! :)
confirming my size at a 34" and I just want to say that I'm sorry for everything you've been through to get this done. I'm in no hurry, if I gotta wait until August for a belt then I've got plenty of other things to keep me busy until then anyway. No whining from me, but I've got plenty of cheese to go with someone else's :D
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