General helmet painting-masking, priming, weathering, ect...

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lots of people ive asked say that spray paints will melt the latex on the don post
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I used acrylics... just sanded down the helmet... to scuff it up... and airbrushed / hand painted the mask... turned out great...
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thesuicideking wrote:lots of people ive asked say that spray paints will melt the latex on the don post

Ummm nope. I have a Don Post 95 here that I use to practice on, and I have repainted several times using the aforementioned spray paints. She's still as good as new.
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Matte Varnish

I wanted my armor to have a flat tone to it, not the least bit shiney. Will flat matte varnish make the paint flat? I'm not really worried about it dulling the silver, I'm just wondering if it will dull the shine to the main color.
Testors makes this stuff called "dullcoat" & it comes in a spray can. It will make a glossy finish matte.
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Perfect. Thanks. But will that protect the paint from damage?
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You can clearcoat first to protect the paint, then use dullcoat to matte the finish.
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When to prime

Should i put primer on before i put the chrome paint on my helmet?

The Purity Knight
Yes, defenitly prime before you put on the chrome. Put on several coats of chrome, sanding in between coats. Then you are ready to paint. Good Luck!
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Sanding after priming?

Do i have to sand the primer after i put it on? if so with what grit of sandpaper? Do i need to put another coat of primer on also?

The Purity Knight
since no one else here can take the time to answer this, yes its a good idea to sand the primer down, depending on the finish, anywhere from 400 and up is good, i usually start at 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper, wet it, and then sand it or you can go higher up in grit. Then proceed and paint it.
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You might want to wipe down the peice with a tack cloth using denatured alcohol.It'll improve the overall appearance of the finished product after painting. :)
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Clearcoat Finish

What is the best clearcoat finish to use on a mandalorian helmet?
I used clear coat by krylon, they have two types one that dries clear and one that will dry glossy.

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PK- depends on the type of paint you are clearing over. IE. If you put Laquer clear over Acrylic paint it won't be good. There are at most four clears. Dull/Flat, Satin, Gloss, and sometimes depending on Mfg. a straight clear that just seals whatever finish is underneath it.
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Well my helmet is painted with gloss black and red enamel paint, there there is the metallic finish stuff
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I used Krylon Crystal Clear.. clear coat. I didn't want a shiney finish so I out Krylon Matte Finish over that. Looks good.
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Hey folks,
I can't stress enough how important it is to be slow and cautious with some of this coating. I've ruined a gauntlet and fubared my helmet because I got a little overzealous. The gauntlet can be resanded with some effort, but the helmet can't be fixed without repainting all the detail.

Go slow with even, light coats. If you spray too much it will bunch up and actually form a cellular pattern. Looks like plant cells in their brick layout. It would be pretty fascinating if it hadn't occured on my frickin' helmet! lol

So, go slow, be patient,

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I used Testors DULL COTE on all my armor instead of any type of clear coat, since Boba is supposed to look more dirty and beat up, not bright and shiny.
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I tried the regular clearcoat to start,But alas it was to shiney.So I went to michaels craft store and bought A matte
finish clearcoat and BAM looks great.I didn't even sand it
just painted over the shiney coat.It dulls it out and looks
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