Fixing visor to helmet


Active Hunter
Hi, ive almost finnished my helmet, but i dont know the best way to fix the visor to the helmet.

Ive got a DP96 or 97, and a babamaker visor but the inside of my helmet isnt flush, did people have to cut loads off the inside to get it to fit flush?

Alos did people have to cut the actual visor down to get it to fit?

I think so, (about the visor trimming) I'm not sure, but I had to sand, trim and even saw the visor I made myself to fit... looks butt ugly appart from the helmet but hey... no-ones wearing just the visor ;)
Callista said:
Hi, ive almost finnished my helmet, but i dont know the best way to fix the visor to the helmet.

Ive got a DP96 or 97, and a babamaker visor but the inside of my helmet isnt flush, did people have to cut loads off the inside to get it to fit flush?

Alos did people have to cut the actual visor down to get it to fit?


I had to cut mine down a little, I had to cut arches in the horizontal part of the "T" to make my visor fit over the cheeks inside, I used the fiber glass disk on my dremel to cut it down. Like R boba fett says it looks kinda ugly but as long as its not showing through the front who care8)
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