First Progress Pics On '95Don Post


Active Hunter
Finally! Had trouble loading pics. Still need a lot of work,let me know what you think.My first one so trying my hardest on it. Still need to do the back post when I'm done. Sporting the stickers from FettHunter in the background. Thanks you all for help Darth Miller,ShortTimer,and if I forgot anybody well Thanks! Feel free to give your opinions.



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Very nice. I repainted my 96. Those Don Posts are great to learn on! I might even costume in my helmet since the shape is swell and the paint is well. Great helmet!
Woah, just spotted this first glance I didn't realize it was a DP '95.....great paint job! You've just inspired me to work on mine:thumbsup:
Thanks, lots of hours still need to do the back of the helmet. Just really focused on the front view detail. Show pics once its finished.
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