Ok guys... Took the plundge and began the sanding and primering process on the emphamous hasbro lid : ). I first began w/ 120 followed by 220, 320..then 400 in order to give it a smooth finish. In speaking w/ Faroshuffle.. he suggested that after I hit it w/ the 1st coat of primer go back and get the rough/ fuzzy areas w/ 320 and 400 again then rinse and repeat so I will def do that! And just to answer you, im not going to mod the visor as I think w/ the lil guy it adds to the element of bobble-head cuteness : ). Also, the wider visor will prob be better as far as safety is concerned he is after all only 16 months right now. Anyhow, here are a few shots of the process. Let me know what you guys think.





1st Primer
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Ha. I was going to make a Jango Fett for my 6 year old for Halloween. I was going to sand/paint the hasbro as well. Good deal! Keep it up!
Thanks Thursday man!
Tripled-go for it man!!! It's been a blast as well as good practice for the Asok fp cc I have on order! Rt now I'm really trying to get a good feel for the rotj style lid. Id love to see a jango!
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Happy Easter guys...Just returned home from Laguna Beach and decided to get the 2nd phase of the sanding and primer done. That being said, I sanded the rough spots w/ 320 followed by 400 and got a phenominally smooth finish! Finished w/ one more coat of primer, and tomorrow will lay a coat of silver. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.


Moving right along...Just added the initial coat of metallic silver, and tomorrow will hit it w/ one more light coat then begin masking before using stormtrooperguys rattlecan list. I am actually going to free-hand sketch the ROTJ weathering prior to using the masking fluid ; ).


So, just finished masking the weathering and I have to say guys... for some of the finer details I preferred the toothpaste over the liquid mask. Although I have only used the fluid once before, I dont like the way it runs/ and lies thinner in an inconsistant fashion. That being said, I did like the fluid for some of the "spotting" that is indicative of some of the sections that are thick and have that "honeycomb" appearance such as the right visor and the posterior of the bucket. Here are some pics and I would also like some suggestions w/ regards to paint order? I was thinking..dome, then peel masking and cover w/ newspaper. Next, spray the face, peel masking and cover w/ paper etc.. Any thoughts on this???



Hey guys- The last couple of days have been fairly productive. Upon finishing the masking, I began the paint/ sectioning process (stormtrooperguys list w/ modifications) beginning w/ the dome. Without giving it all away : ), below are a few shots of the WIP! Stay tuned for the completed hasbro ROTJ lid!!!



Alright guys- finished the ROTJ paint scheme last week! Grabbed lunch w/ deadland today and passed over the hasbro for him to weather as I wasnt comfortable misting w/ the rattlecan. I hope to have the final pics for you by thursday evening..stay tuned ; )
All right guys, DRUM ROLL PLEASE........And, here are the final hasbro lid ROTJ mod photos. Just picked it up from deadland and man does the suttle weatrhering really complete this once slightly cheesy helmet : ). I hope my FP lid turns out this well LOL!











Thanks guys! Still got the pack to go uuugghhhhh ; )
Hey tripleD- Thanks man, ya, I also carved his initials in the top of the dome : )..its the suttle things. Faroshuffle actually gave me the idea a couple weeks ago when I was chatting w/ him. Thanks again man..stay tuned for my cc FP thread as I hope that turns out well.
I completely agree with your decision NOT to modify the visor for safety's sake. The incresed field-of-vision will suit a new walker perfectly; his knees, chest and head will thank you later for not helping him to run into things. It's completely after the fact, but I would have possibly looked into getting rid of the seam on the helmet, but it most suredly does not take away from it's "awesomeness!" I'm not that familiar with the Hasbro lid, but what will you be using for the inside to fit? I would assume that at 13mths it's still a bit large on him. Some of that foam might do the trick. I wish I had more input, quote, "Your skills are complete."

I'm out in Minnifee this weekend for a baby shower. I'll honk as I go by!
Thanks oboro- The inside is already has that adjustable insert that they can adjust to fit snugg. LOL..yes, the seam is there and thought about it after the fact as well : ). I will be listening as you go by.
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