
Active Hunter
Hey TDH- In between work, the enterum from my Jango build, and some motivation from devilstar and the wonderful get-up he created for his son, I decided to embark on some ROTJ armor for my little guy (whos is only 13 months as of today : ) ...You know, get a head start:lol: what more could a little boy want right ? After cutting the 4'1" set, I realized that I actually wanted the 3'1" well, so now he will have two sets of armor. Anyhow the images below are what ive completed over the last 4 days. I first, purchased the paints that were recommended on some of the threads here on tdh (ofcourse primer, metallic, hunters green and a mustardish/ squashy yellow), along w/ some sterilite storage bins. After a few days, a blister on my phalanges, as well as sore intrinsic muscles of the hands "WALLAH", here they are so far. Let me know what your thoughts are guys.




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Hey all- Just started the weathering w/ the references I have from AOSW armor. After the two layers of metalic had cured I used toothpaste to mask the nics and battle marks as recommended by faroshuffle. I then sprayed the 1st coat of squash/ mustard yellow and tomorrow I plan to spray a second.


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LOL!!!!It is well known that bounty hunters must be extremely multi-facited, skilled, as well as hold high levels of hygene. : ) I actually ordered some masking fluid Im going to play with on the other set of armor.
Hey guys- Completed some work on the shoulder bells minus the decals which are being shipped thanks to Lucky31. After letting the coat of metallic dry for 24hrs, masking the metal w/ toothpaste, and finally laying a couple coats of line stripe yellow here are the results. And ofcourse, my son (13 months) had to earn some stripes : ). Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks guys!


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Alright- SO i've completed the chest armor weathering minus the decals, as well as cut, glued (E600), and clamped the cod pieces to dry overnight. Im pretty happy w/ how the toothpaste turned out (Crest ultra white to be exact), although it was a little thick. Today I plan on using some bondo for the seams followed by sanding then primer.

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Since its for a little one, I wouldn't bother with the seams... Plus, if that E6k breaks free, the bondo will too. When I did my sons, I did it with E6k as well and it popped up. Might wanna try a stronger adhesive if you are gonna do the works. But then again, you'll probably do a better job than I did. ;)
Hey DS thanks for the input...I did throw the bondo on there but ill test it out and if it doesnt wk, I wont bother on the other set. Also, here is another prelim shot of the armor together. Sorry if the pics arent great as their from my BB. Thanks man as always.
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Hey guys- Cut and molded the back armor using a hair dryer. The sterlite trash cans are much easier to mold than the storage bins. Will primer later in order to set up for masking. Going to use the liquid mask I ordered for the 3' armor.


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WOW...Thanks ONEONE! Its been a blast! I was just thinking, how should I attatch the armor, especially the back armor? Im thinking snaps even though the plastic is really lightweight. Any thoughts?
Thanks again buddy!
Excellent work..the molding of the plastic looks spot on. I would do snaps...but than again I am biased...they are easy to do and easy to fix if something breaks.
Hey Aceano- Thanks buddy! Yes, as DS said in post #9 the E6k and bondo just do not want to adhese to the plastic. Tomorrow Im going to experiment w/ a thin foam in order to create the seam as seen in the movie accurate versions. Look for pics fairly soon : ). Thanks for looking.
Hey all- My wonderful wife ( elementary educator), brought home some thin craft foam to experiment with for the cod section. Looks like this may work out well? Pics coming soon.
Hey guys- Here are the photos of the foam/ cod attempt. I will spray the coat of primer tomorrow.



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Hey guys-Here is a shot of the set-up so far (4' chest and back armor). As soon as I recieve the masking fluid I will detail the 3' armor, and will complete paint in the next week. I will then complete the 4' cod and back armor using the toothpaste...why the tp you ask well, im ANAL and I cant have it 70% tp and 30% mask fluid : ). Ill keep you updated.

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