Fett Helmets


Active Hunter
Ok guys, what are the major differences between these buckets?
Anyone want to post a side by side comparison?

ESB = Empire strikes back
ROTJ= Return of the jedi


AOSW = ¿?

sorry because i dont know it :$ just would like to know
ROTJ is a more straitforward bucket with redish orange kill stripes and no decals anywhere on the bucket, strait dirty metal earcaps. It also has a orange triangle painted in, unlike the ESB that has plain green triangles on the forhead.

The ESB has 5 key decals on it, on the RF ear it has verticl stripes in black, a circle with a t-shape, a odd triangle with two squares, and the famous white and blac half circle on the main earcap. On the other side there is a white half circle with a partial square with two dots.

The ESB also has a more colorful blend of shraches, I would consider it a bit cleaner then the ROTJ as far as "beat up" goes.

The Rangefinders are also different.

I will post pics at lunch illustrating this stuff.
Evan your the man, thanks dude.

The rangefinders and kill stripes I'm aware of, the ear markings I wasn't, good to know.lol
Thanks Gator
I did search but apparently not good enough.

Anyway, so the ROTJ does not have the large scuff over right eye? Thats only ESB?
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AoSW helmet is the same as the esb helmet,

As far as im aware, the rotj helmet is painted in different shades, ie the green on the back of the helmet is definatly different also the cheek area is lighted.

there doesnt seem to be as much detail in the scuffs and scratches on the rotj one either.

and of course, the ears are silver as apposed to green and earth.

hope that helps
Fettster said:
AoSW helmet is the same as the esb helmet,

I thought so, but the entire suit is ROTJ correct?

Fettster said:
there doesnt seem to be as much detail in the scuffs and scratches on the rotj one either.

I see that, its pretty ugly actually...:lol:
Regardless, I'm going to join my ROTJ brothers!

Fettster said:
hope that helps
Yes, thanks!
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Delta75 said:
I see that, its pretty ugly actually...:lol:
Regardless, I'm going to join my ROTJ brothers!

the ugly is the best part!

to me, the esb looks like what an artist would paint if asked to make something that looked weathered.

i think the rotj one looks more like a helmet that has had the crap beaten out of it for a few years.
tk7602 said:
i think the rotj one looks more like a helmet that has had the crap beaten out of it for a few years.

HAHAHA... I think the exact opposite. I think the scrapes on a ROTJ look like silver paint splotches.:lol: :lol:
webchief said:
HAHAHA... I think the exact opposite. I think the scrapes on a ROTJ look like silver paint splotches.:lol: :lol:
I felt that too, as I was painting my ROTJ. Took me forever to get it to where I was happy, and made it look like actual damage.
webchief said:
HAHAHA... I think the exact opposite. I think the scrapes on a ROTJ look like silver paint splotches.:lol: :lol:

yeah, but you're a freak ;)

i've never seen anything wear away like the esb helmet in the real world. the visor damage looks great, but since i've never encountered anything like that in real life, i can't get into it.

i've mistreated plenty of tools, and they've come out looking like the rotj... random chunks of silver showing in otherwise unmarked paint.

i think it's REALLY easy to do a bad rotj helmet, which also gives us a bad rep ;)

:jet pack :jet pack :jet pack

heh... makes me think of the badger badger badger SNAKE animation. bucket bucket bucket bucket JETPACK! JETPACK! bucket bucket...

er, ok. maybe i should sleep more.
Elofsson said:
Why make two different helmets with the same Dent?!
Why not use the same helmet in all movies???!

They probably figured nobody would notice the difference when they filmed them.

Little did they know!! :lol:
Delta75 said:
I see that, its pretty ugly actually...

Regardless, I'm going to join my ROTJ brothers!

SCORE FOR TEAM ROTJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You need help, Pogo has answers! We need another ROTJ in Houston!!!
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