Femmando Requesting Assistance

Kiriel Elfchild

New Hunter
Hi Guys!

I'm in the middle of making my own custom fem mando and so far everything is going REALLY well. Don't worry, when everything is set, I'll post pics! :D

But here's my problem...the paint job. I was originally inspired by the pic in the Insider magazine so I am sorta leaning towards a mostly red with dark grey and white highlights. But I've seen a lot of customs with red paint jobs. Also, I've seen one fem done in purple, which also looked cool but I'm not sure if its really right for me. My partner says if I'm going to do something so odd (ey?!) as a female mando, then I should go all the way and make it Hello Kitty pink....but I don't think I can do that to a mandalorian!

Does anyone have any suggestions for the color/paint job? I'm really scrounging for ideas right now.

Thanks for your help, in advance! :D
Mandalorians come in all colours!!!

Get out a box of crayons and colouring! Find one you like and make an attempt at it.

Welcome aboard. I say go with the colors you like, no matter what anybody else has to say or has done.

Its all personal preference...
Use your imagination! Mandos come in all shapes, colors, and sizes!

I'd like to see somebody do this one though:
JoNich said:
Use your imagination! Mandos come in all shapes, colors, and sizes!

I'd like to see somebody do this one though:
I was going to paint up another DP bucket and paint it in her scheme. I only don't know what the back looks like... eh.
What GCNgamer128 said about setting down with a box of crayons and going at it is the best advice I have heard of. That is what my wife and I both have done with ours. Mine turned out red black and gray, my wife's turned out emerald green and black. She went through about six pages of test colors before she settled on this one.



Good luck. If you like the colors then don't worry about what everyone else thinks. It's a Custom Mando so there is no set requirments for what it should look like.
Hmm, thanks guys, good advice. I've been playing with colors for a while now, paint jobs, that kind of thing. Just can't seem to find anything that looks 'right'.

Have to ask though....if someone did a Fem in pink, you all would probably just shake your heads, right? Its not really an appropriate color for a mando and not very respectable...is it?

Argh....so much to do and so stumped on this rather vital desicion. I want it to look good! <lol>
i am gunna be attempting to make the girls armor in the picture for one of my ex-girlfriends. we are both roleplayers, and played galaxies together, i am making the guy armor for myself(tho im sure you all know that already!)

here is a drawing i did of the two!
Yes there is a pink mando out there, can't remember her name though.
As to colours and colour combo's anything goes really. Darker colours usually work best but there are no rules (well, there should be a rule against Mando's with polka dots!). Good luck and keep us informed as there needs to be more Fem Mandos, there are too few of us.
Personally I think pink would be kick:moon especially for a mando because it screams out...Im a girl and im going to kick your :moon And hey look at Donut frin RVB (red vs Blue) hes got pink armor. I say if you think pink looks cool then do it!:cheers
I chose to do pink and purple..
and have gotten lots of compliments!

There are so many shades of pink you could use.. even grey would look pretty cool with it.

Good luck! :)
I went through the same thing trying to decide! While I wouldn't recommend pink, perhaps like a megenta/maroon color would be a little more fitting. Here's what I cooked up:
Ok, cool, so you guys don't think pink's too dorky...yay! It is pretty much my fave color, along with scarlet and burgundy. Hmm...there's a thought....combine the colors.

Thanks Hydra, that looks cool! Definitly gives me an idea of what to do.

*runs off to play with photoshop and some crayons some more*
Wow, Hydra, that is awesome!! Your style of Mando color schemes is very cool and original. I really like the gradient style of colors you use on the armor pieces.
I second what JoNich said. I'd like my next armor to be Hydra-designed! Even though I don't even have my first armor painted yet. :lol:
I THINK I may have decided on my color scheme....I think. <lol> Atm its all dark red, almost burgundy, with pale metallic pink and dark silver/grey highlights/patterning. Still hashing out the patterning etc but much closer to actually being able to paint than I was. Really do have to thank you guys for giving me some ideas! This is my first suit like this and I so want it to look good.
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