fanboy's first armor


i'm on my way with my first set of armor. i've got all i could cut out of the trash cans last night. i'm going to attempt the cod piece since i had some space left on the smaller can. ran out of space for the back piece which probably wouldn't work well out of a trash can anyway. next step will be cleaning up the edges, denting and sanding for primer.


thanks for the positive feedback everyone. i plan on spending a few hours on the armor tonight since the wife won't be home to hassle me. i'll post pics tomorrow of the progress.
i got quite a bit done in the last week. right now, the green paint is drying on the armor, after work tomorrow i'm going to wash the mustard off. the shoulder bells are pretty much done except for the fine details of scratches that i'm going to do with a paint pen. should i weather them some more? i threw down some flat black and a few sprays of colonial red. boba had to get some blood on him at some point i figure.



Looks really good so far. Have you already got the green paint you are gonna use? If so, what does it look like (what product is it?) Reason I ask is because my armor is too light-green ... looks like reptile skin.
i went with rattle cans for mine. used rustoleum spruce green. i'm going to look at it tonight to check the color. i think i might have to darken it up with a misting of some hunter green or something, we'll see. but weathering with a wash might help too. i'll put some pics up after work, let everybody see if it's close or not.
here it is with the armor painted green. there is a very light misting of black on there, but almost not visible. it was a little more difficult getting the mustard off than planned. i didn't reapply after the yellow coat so that had 2 layers of paint on it. it isn't exactly the way i had it masked, but pretty dang close. for my first try, i'm quite happy with it. now to the tedious scratching and weathering. i would appreciate any constructive criticism. i'll try to get a real light pic tomorrow, i just finished this now, after midnight. i had to watch the vikings win!!

here is what i'm calling the finished product. it's good for now, until the sickness takes over and i have to redo it. i did some more "scratches" with a silver paint pen, wow does that work slick! put the chest decal on, did my best to weather that and some more on the rest of the armor. then i clear coated it with matte spray. check it...

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dude sweet!!!!!!for a newb i'm getting alot of ideas!!!!!steps closer to my own siut!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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for cutting the armor out of the cans... first i used a skil-saw to trim them to a very rough cut out and something smaller to work with. from there it was a ruler and utility knife. i made a few cuts along each edge then snapped them off individually. like jimmy buffett said, take your time and don't rush! and thanks for the positive comments, it really means a lot coming from everyone on tdh.
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