ESB thigh pouches: attachement question

Jangos kid

Well-Known Hunter
Hey everybody. THis is probably a pretty irrelevant question, but I'm hard at work on my new ESB coverall, and have a question about how the THigh pouches are sewed on. I'm forced to use a super old & slow computer, so I can't really use the on-line ref CD very well to see this.:( Anyway, from what I can tell, THe ROTJ are sewed all the way across the top, w a smaller line of stiching across the bottom, but not sewed on the sides. This is very apparent in the Visual dictionary, as the pouches have nothing in them & just kinda sag there. ESB pouches on the otherhand, always look like they hold the rectangular form vey well. Obviously there are some sort of blocks in the pouches as well,but they seem to really "hug" the leg as though they may be completely sewed on, and the tops even seem to follow the contour of the leg. SO, should I sew my pouches on all the way around, or just across the top? reason I ask is, I have to do it now before I sew the legs together, (Might be a bugger to sew them on all the way around once the coverall is finished.)Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated, & thanx for reading through my long & stupid question.:)

Jango's kid wrote:

...I'm forced to use a super old & slow computer, so I can't really use the on-line ref CD very well to see this.:(...

what !!!

sendme your addy, i have a extra blank cd and i can send ya one cdref :)
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