ESB painted ARMOR??


Well-Known Hunter
Just wanted to get you ESB guys to critique my recent commissioned ESB Armor.....:)

Since there isn't much High RES reference on ESB was hoping to get some feedback...:thumbsup:

Oh this is all modifed FETTPRIDE version one armor....:thumbsup:





Toss it Alex and just count it as a crash and burn.

To be quite honest, I think it looks amazing. I think it looks really well done considering how many high res images of the ESB I've studied. The color, weathering, shading. the damage it all looks extremely well done. Two thumbs way up.
Oooooooh!! Nice.
I love the way that shoulder "decal" came out. Is it a decal??? :confused I kind of see a raised edge. . . but then part of the skull looks hand painted. :thumbsup:
Oooooooh!! Nice.
I love the way that shoulder "decal" came out. Is it a decal??? :confused I kind of see a raised edge. . . but then part of the skull looks hand painted. :thumbsup:
WOW you nailed it bro..:lol:'s both....
I didn't like how "red" the decal I just painted on it to darken...:thumbsup: ..then sealed it of coarse...
Hmm I don't know man. I think you need a little more practice before you can start charging money. You probably need to paint around 1 more full set of armor. I'll tell you what, I will send you my armor to practice on.:lol: Looks great man:thumbsup:
I have just spent hours myself staring at the ESB photos, and those shoulder bells look really good!
I know me too..:( ....maybe this is one of the reasons not many people have done ESB, because of the lack of actual HIGH RES I just ad-libbed(sp) on some area's..:p ....

Thanks for the comments, was kinda hoping you guys would tear into it more...:thumbsup:
I've never painted anything for Fett, but I just wanted to point out a few things I noticed. Again, you did a GREAT job on this, like you always do, just want to help get it as accurate as possible. :thumbsup:

I don't have many good knee reference pics, but from what I have, your paintjob on the knees looks spot on!

EDIT: I just noticed that saving these in .jpg really messed up the stuff I circled. I'll reupload these in .png from Photobucket if you want better versions.


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