ESB or RotJ. which is better?


Active Hunter
Hey guys, I cam at the point of ordering certain parts for my Fett armor and making other parts. the versions for example, which should I go for? Empire strikes back Fett or Return of the Jedi Fett? I will most likely be ordering the gauntlets from a guy named Richie. before I do though, I'm just seeing which I am going for. The cape for ESB Boba would be difficult for me, the light brown and the dark brown stripe. anyway, just tell me what you think
lemme check... there's a thread somewhere around here... pretty recent... I'll try to finf the url...
Mhmm, I see. a guy in the S.O forums told me that I should go for a 'canon' version. either ESB or RotJ. I'll make my decision soon. I will try to have work done to my helmet or I might have to order a new one. I might be able to try work on the cape though. I want to try not to do any mix, unless the S.O wouldn't care.
I am a big fan of being Cannon. I am totally not a fan of the specail edition. I went ROTJ, personally I like the guantlets. Its just the way I feel about it. THE ESB cape is very cool. But its still the fett.
If the legion accepts mixes of the versions, then I'd consider that too. example would be the Red RotJ gauntlets with the brown ESB cape. I guess I'll find out
I think one of the mods just once a month makes up a screen name and posts this just to stir things up. This topic has been beaten to the ground a thousand times, there is no clear winner (except Pre-pro2 who is on all the original stuff so he is coolest). It all just comes down to do what ever you feel looks the best. If you want to mix and match that is fine, if you want to go totally movie accurate great.
well, you wanna be the fett that captures han solo and sells him to both DARTH FREAKIN VADER AND jabba the hut, or u wanna be the fett that gets knocked off a boat by a blind guy into a scally hole in the decide....ESB all the way...
never_risk_the_fett_man said:
well, you wanna be the fett that captures han solo and sells him to both DARTH FREAKIN VADER AND jabba the hut, or u wanna be the fett that gets knocked off a boat by a blind guy into a scally hole in the decide....ESB all the way...

Or the Fett who Kicks it to chicks and escapes the Sarlacc?
I say do what most people do, combine the two... I personally am against this, but just choose what parts you like best between the two and combine them. For example, the most common one is having an ESB helmet, ROTJ gaunlets, ROTJ armor, ROTJ cape and jsut mix and match. Yes, I know that that is how it is presented at MOM and things, but I like seeing people who stick to one movie.
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