ESB harness


Active Hunter
I did some searching but didnt come up with anything that I was happy with.

Would anyone like to share pics of their jp harness that includes the buckle in front? I have made 3, taken all 3 apart. I am just not happy with the way it holds. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Pretty please!

Thank you:)
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Yeah I have tried TK409's site. But I must be doing something wrong. When I put the jp on it slides down and brings up the vest, and its not even attached to the vest at all. I have tried to tighten it but same thing.
I didnt think it would be this irritating to make one.
My guess is that the holes in the vest are too high for your setup. Try to raise where the straps go through the vest if you can.
I used a army web belt with the suspenders that attach to it (I think they call that the web part). Anyway you know the ones you hang your canteen off. I pulled the straps down (there adjustable) so the belt part rests under my chest. The upper part of the straps even have D-rings already on them to attach your jet pack straps (I guess there really for hand grenades):lol: Anyway I got it at a army surplus store and it's super comfortable, adjustable, and works great.:thumbsup: Oh yeah, and cheap;)
PW...That's an H-harness brother, and I never thought about using one of those!! Jeebus, I had to wear one for 3 years. I'm gonna give that a shot.
PW and Buckey_01,

An army surplus store will know what I need by calling in a H harness? Maybe I should go look this weekend... thank you both for the tip!
And thank you guys for the other reply, appreciate it!
PW and Buckey_01,

An army surplus store will know what I need by calling in a H harness? Maybe I should go look this weekend... thank you both for the tip!
And thank you guys for the other reply, appreciate it!

Try to get a belt with a plastic snap buckle in the front instead of the older version with the metal clip (can come undone). I can post photo's if you need them.
PW and Buckey_01,

An army surplus store will know what I need by calling in a H harness? Maybe I should go look this weekend... thank you both for the tip!
And thank you guys for the other reply, appreciate it!

They should know what an H harness is. If they don't, go to another store! :lol: Here is what one looks like. They may vary a little, but you get the idea.

I've got a "PRC-77 25 / ST-138" military backpack that used to be mentioned on OB1's acadamy website....I never used it if you're interested.
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