ESB blaster started


Active Hunter
well i got part of the kit i bought, it had a few seams and pinholes, but nothing a little glazing putty and sand paper could take care of, the other parts are on the way (barrel, Aluminum connector, barrel, scope mounts, molex connector and stock)so i wont do any priming till i have all the parts, this is total kit form (like a model) made of resin, but it is much cheaper than some others i saw (about $175 ish) so go ahead and call me cheap. pics never comeup for me so here is the link, maybe one of the mods can help me out
I'll update the progress as i go



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Looks good, where did you get it? I would be set with just those parts and build around it from there. I dont have a blaster yet and no idea where to start.

cal196 wrote:

Looks good, where did you get it? I would be set with just those parts and build around it from there. I dont have a blaster yet and no idea where to start.

pm me for the info cal
Ok i got the rest of the kit, Im gonna work on it this weekend, last parts to get are a scope and the stock greeblies. not pictured is the V8 connecting rods and hand grips


here is the barrel


and these are pretty cool looking casts of molex's


now the question is do i use a sink tube or cram my heiland into the end


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I am gonna try and make my own from the BB-Gun pvc pipe idea, I gutted the BB gun and took everything out so it cannot made to be fired even the trigger. Hardest part so far was melting the pvc around the chamber.

That kit does look awesome but I dont think I can afford it right now. i will pm you after halloween because then I wont need it and I can buy it lol if that makes sense.
well i am almost finished with this. the scope is a cheapy from wal-mart but it is crunch time for halloween so my quest for an accurate one will start after that. i still need to glue on the stock greeblies, tone down the sheen and dirty it up quite alot. what do you think???? im just holding the flash tube in for picture purposes.




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