Durability Question?


Hey everyone, doing hours of research on the best ways to create a Fett costume and have narrowed it down to sentra and fiberglass. Now I know that sentra wont shatter or crack for the most part, because it is a durable plastic, but I have never handled or worked with fiberglass before, and was just wondering how durable it is? I know it is quite a bit pricier, but is this just for better looks or is this for looks and durability. In some of the posts I've read, one in particular about painting the helmet, it was suggested not cutting out the T-visor area until you are ready to insert the visor, because the fiberglass will crack easier without the extra support. Is this true? Is fiberglass very brittle? Which really is the better deal in the end? Thanks guys, and sorry, I will probably be loading you down with questions until my Fett is complete. :facepalm Thanks for any and all help!

Well it all depends really, Yes sintra is very durable and with the proper techniques can look great, but overall fiberglass imo is alot better. The edges are more beveled and the look overall appeares to be more contoured, as sintra tends to have just a flat look.

you can get fibergalss pieces that are brittle from people who have no clue how to use glass, but for the most part if you get it from a person who has been working around it for awhile its very strong. I dropped my MS helmet off a counter and it hit a concrete floor and it did nothing.
Fiberglass doesnt really add to the looks. In fact you typivally dont look at the fiberglass, you see the gel coating if I am correct. That gel coating is then reinforced with fiberglass.
darkskywalker said:
Fiberglass doesnt really add to the looks. In fact you typivally dont look at the fiberglass, you see the gel coating if I am correct. That gel coating is then reinforced with fiberglass.

I am talking about the finished product looking better.
Thanks Cal, and any fiberglass I will be getting will probably be from reputable dealers, for instance Rex at MLC armor. I was just worried that, say I was striking a pose and one of the chest armor pieces accidentally popped off, I didnt want to look down and see a thousand pieces and a pile of dust. One more question, and this one is probably pretty wierd. How do you sit down? Obviously you would take off the jet pack, but what about the backplate, will sitting with this on put too much stress on it and perhaps break it?

They make motorcycle helmets and boats out of fiberglass NOT Sintra !?!? If you make it thick enough it will take a direct blaster hit, no problem!
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