
iycis said:
For some bizarre reason in the mail today I got one of those postcards that has your name and badge number on it that you turn in when you get there to receive your badge. I never ordered a ticket and there's no transaction for it on my credit card bill. So I really have no idea why I now have a free pass for Dragon Con. I'm really not going to question it that much though. Free is free. ;)

...she loves me...she loves me not...she love- doh, been discovered !
Hmm well, I have called all the hotels and the motels in the surrounding area and nothing is open. I thought I still had plenty of time but I guess not, This year isnt looking good.
I'm skipping out on C3 just to be able to afford DragonCon. And hopefully, I'll have my Fett 2.0 ready by then. Still need a few more pieces...

I stayed at the Marriott in '03, but haven't decided where I'm staying this year. Is the elevator situation really that bad? I was on the 42nd floor that year, and it was hot as hell. In either case, I want a lower floor number.

Shortimer52, there is a convention in Houston, June 24-26. ApolloCon. It won't be near as big as DragonCon, but from what I hear, they treated the 501st like GODS last year. For more info: www.apollocon.org
shortimer52 said:
so there is life in houston,, AWESOME

Also . . . In the early to mid 80's I use to hang out at the Lawndale Art Annex near the University of Houston. Not only did they have great punk bands of the time but they did have a Science Fiction exhibition too.

I think there is a great news paper there called the Public News . . .Check it out. When I lived in Houston I relied on that for my night life fun. :)
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