Don Post ?


New Hunter
Just saw this on the gaybay :P and wanted to know what year this is, since it is in the box i cannot tell....


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Its all on preference It really just depends on what your looking for. I am in the 501st so I am allitle "picky" on the realism. :D
There is the Don Post Deluxe recast, the Don Post '95 that is smaller and the one you showed on "gaybay", and to quote TK409 "has become extremely inaccurate and small". I was talking about the one you showed on your first post the hole time anyways. Not trying to argue just giving you info you ask for.8)
A modded 95 can look pretty dang good and for someone with a smaller build a bigger bucket may look out of proportion.

Very true. I'm a thin guy and I purposely use the smaller helmets because they are more in proportion with my costume and my build. I have a 95 painted ESB and a 96 painted ROTJ. I've measured mine next to a friend's BM helmet, and front to back they are exactly the same size. Mine is about 1/2" shorter on top and about 1" thinner from side to side, which is fine because on my thinner shoulder width, it looks better.

I do see what your saying. Any bigger and you would look like a bobble head fett :lol: I am 6 foot and have very wide shoulder with so I would like like I fell into a amazon camp full of head shrinkers vice versa :lol:
the 95 box looks exactly the same as that one (at least mine does).

When I manage to get home I'll try to remember to compare with pics of my pre-modified DP 95

Like i said I'd do .. here's my pre-modified DP 95. Looks different than that picture you linked to there so i would assume it is NOT a 95.

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