Devil's Protocol Jango Mystery Helmet Conversion And Progress

Well, I plan on eventually buying either the BKBT or the coldcast from FP. Probably the BKBT seeing as how FP has never answered any of my PM's regarding any of his stuff... Ever...

What about my prices though? Think they are too high, just about right, or...?

I think you just need to consider the actual cost of the helmet, price of paint and extra add ons. Plus, the hours spent working on it. I think somewhere (my guess though) between $200-250 is right.

I also see the stuff with the correct price sit and never get sold. There have been a couple of other good helmets, one of them a cold-cast that sat at $250 and never got any higher.

Seems like the ones that start a little lower, but put a reserve on it jump high really quick, and go for crazy money. Just my observation. If that's one of the $99 helmets, I'd start at $150-175. If that's too low put a reserve on it. Just my opinion. Helmet is nicely done though, it turned out well, good job. You'll love your BKBT.
With the bucket, BM Visor, and BKBT RF post, its $150 in parts alone. Then tack on what I paid for paint (and shipping on the paint - darn Krylon Ocean Blue. lol.), 1/8 stripping, screen, painters tape, sand paper, Bondo, glue, etc., it really adds up fast. $175 would be way too low. With my luck, one person would bid at that, and then it'd never go up and I'd actually LOSE money on it. Know what I mean?


Ah... Nevermind... I just saw what you said about a reserve. To tell the truth, I don't even know how to set a reserve. I've never even seen the option there. This is only my third listing on eBay, I usually just sell my stuff on forums like this.


I lowered my BIN to $300, but left my opening bid where it was, because I still couldn't find the option to set a reserve. I guess it doesn't really matter though, since I won't take less than $250 for it anyway. :P
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Gah... One day and a few hours left... I'm getting nervous because it has 5 watchers, and I'm getting cold feet about selling now. Most of my costume will be here this up coming week, and I'd almost rather keep it so I have it. I was gonna put a few bucks of the loot toward my BKBT, but at this point, I'd kinda like to have them both instead of swapping out. Is it odd that I'm hoping that it DOESN'T sell? lol...


And on a different note:

Cruzer, you still gonna hook me up with a full leather rig at tax time? ;)
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xmqn;oihg2riohg2oi44t5hjnbp54j!!!!!!!!! ****... lol... I had finally decided that I was gonna end the auction, to keep the helmet, and went to 'my eBay' and just as the page was loading, someone bought it with BIN. :(

I guess I'll be PM'ing BKBT soon... Just gotta work out the Xmas budget with the wifey first. ;)

xmqn;oihg2riohg2oi44t5hjnbp54j!!!!!!!!! ****... lol... I had finally decided that I was gonna end the auction, to keep the helmet, and went to 'my eBay' and just as the page was loading, someone bought it with BIN. :(

I guess I'll be PM'ing BKBT soon... Just gotta work out the Xmas budget with the wifey first. ;)


This just means you'll make just an even better helm out of the BKBT.

Just bumpin this up to the top of the page incase anyone wants to buy my paintjob on the BKBT that I'm selling.

Yup... Sorry guys... I'm abandoning Jango to go back to Boba. Shame on me. :P

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