Detail Pics

RoDav Llbas

New Hunter
Hi all this is my first set of fett armor, thanks to this great sight got the plans and have mad the chest armor pecies, sholders and stomach out of metal plate, yes i know this is not the easy way but i like the more realistic feal and mass of metal. im working on the back plate and keens right now and will post pic soon.

well to get to the point, i have managed to get a DP95 bucket as a starting point for my helmit , but would love some tips from you pros on deatail of the inside and info on gentral buttket info.

keep it up a great sight for all fett heads


RoDav :thumbsup:
Welcome to TDH. You probably know you are in the right place for all things Fett.

A DP95 is a good starting point for a bucket. It is the best of the regular DP's. However, it is still not as big as a fiberglass helmet. Because it is not that big, you may only be able to fit a hard had liner and a cooling fan. An RF servo, padding and other goodies, probably won't fit.

Good luck.
thanks for the info,
im looking for some pics of the helmit inside for some ideas for fitting and any pics of the helmit of the film real helmint would also be cool
ok this is the armor that iv been making from the plans on this site, many thank to all who provide them but im still after info on the in side of the filem helmet as want to fit out as close to esb as poss,

many thanks

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the inside of the screenies look horrible... just a fiberglas interior with some hadliner and screws and glue for the visor..
RoDav Llbas said:
thanks for the info,
im looking for some pics of the helmit inside for some ideas for fitting and any pics of the helmit of the film real helmint would also be cool

See above (or below, depending on your settings) for the pics. I too have a dp95. Space is an issue (especially with a nose like mine) but you can manage if you do it right.
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Here are the pics of the inside. I have one fan, with a switch as well as the switch for the lights. All powered by 2 9volts. Not screen accurate, but I like it. Cant wait to see how yours turns out.


this is how i have my lights setup. down the stalk through a small hole in the side of the bucket. This makes it so my stalk does not move though.











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