Dental Expanders

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I've been seeing folks talk about dental expanders being used in their gauntlets finished design. Now that I finally ordered a set of mack daddy ROTJ gauntlets, I figure I best figure out where the heck they are placed on the gauntlets.I just can't see them anywhere on anyone's finished products...Is it placed inside of them or kind of half hidden and half seen, both inside and out??? And finally, are they a necessity to finish your gauntlets correctly? I'm at a loss at this point. Thanks for your help guys!

A couple of ROTJ pics for ya.
Click on the thumbnails to see full size image.



Hope that helps.
Thanks guys, I can't believe I missed that. I guess dealing with just photos, and never with the real deal made it a bit easier to miss. Hopefully my pair will be here soon so I can get started on them. Hopefully I'll be done with my bucket bY then. Thanks again guys!

Luckily I had one come with my gauntlets, so I guess I won't be needing one. Although I would like to get one of the real ones to place on my gauntlet...

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