Darth Steven\'s aluminum gauntlet missle project

Darth Steven's aluminum gauntlet missle project

Hi there,

I had attached some pictures of my Rocket Gauntlet Unfinished, yet :( :

- The holes is not present on the tips
- The body is not machined

This weekends I'll finish the pieces and I'll send
to anodized.... sure !!
Also I'm working on the four steel darts for the right gaunlet.

I hope that my work like you...


Nice work, and welcome to TDH.

Only thing I can see (besides what you've mentioned) is that at the back end of the rocket, there should be one more cylinder that comes out a little bit.

If no one can post a pic before I get home, I can put one up!

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Welcome indeed.:) We can never have too many machinists' around here ;) Everyone is always looking for metal upgrades to stuff.

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DL44 Blaster wrote:

Welcome indeed.:) We can never have too many machinists' around here ;) Everyone is always looking for metal upgrades to stuff.

This is an understatement if I ever heard one!;) Darth Steven, DL44 has certainly struck a chord of absolute truth here, and if offering METAL gauntlet rockets to the board is going to be one of your trademarks, then I say you are instantly going to become just about everyone's best friend, including mine!:D
The thing of it is, every time this particular project has been initiated in the past, by others, it has always seemed to have faded away before it even begun:( In other words, if you put your best into this project, you may very well become a legend here, NEVER to be forgotten! How's that for a welcome?:)
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Yes...welcome to teh world of l33t HaX0r bounty hunterz!!!...err I mean, welcome! :D

Nice work you got goin on! How do you plan on doing the "fins" on the rocket body itself?

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Howdy and welcome aboard! You do very nice work!

I'm in!

Stay safe.

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WElcome to TDH. I don't want to be the sour note here, but I just noticed something...THE ROCKET IS INDEED AWESOME, but there's something missing in the body of the rocket: the "ribs" around the main body. Check that out and congratulations in creating something really good.

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