
Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Obviously, there are 16 black boot hooks on a four ribbed cumberbun. I don't have a pattern, but as long as your cumberbund isn't taller than 4" all the laces will fit. I used the same leather as the vest leather and airbrush painted it. Unfortunately, we have to repaint mine a different color, sigh, after 12 tries, the color still didn't match. Biggest problem is that the color when wet is NOT the same color when dried. :rolleyes
Okay... so each rib on the cumberbun is about 1" high? And it's split into two parts.. right? Front and back, held together by the hooks/lacing? Are the two parts 1/2 and 1/2 or (as it looks in the pics) more like 2/3 and 1/3? *Honestly, I don't remember how you had it on your costume ZIA!*

How did you attach the "real" belt to the cumberbun? Or are they not really attached?
Belts are NOT attatched. Two cumberbun portions from the front side hip to the middle of the back and from back to the side (where the holster is). Edit** OOops, yeah, like 1/3 and 2/3 The only thing holding em together is the lace and the boot hooks.

Zam I Am wrote:

We made the cumberbun from the same type of skins, so it's about 9" x 22" plus 9" x 15.5"
Got that from the vest pattern thread... You have to measure yourself from like 1-2 inches forward from your right side seam. That's where the first cumberbund end is. The second cumberbund ends in the middle back - spine.

Zam I Am wrote:

You have to measure yourself from like 1-2 inches forward from your right side seam. That's where the first cumberbund end is. The second cumberbund ends in the middle back - spine.

??? Okay... seems a strange way to make a cumberbund to me... but who am I to say? ;)

Another question... those are the finished dimensions? So I need to add seam allowances? How wide are each of those 4 "rows" 1 1/4" or so?
I guess the extra inch of the 9" x ??inch (instead of 8' x ?? inch) are the seam allowances, so the ribs are still at 1" I can't remember! doh!
Nope... :lol: You gotta make it up yourself! Mwahahahaaa!!

I've been trying to figure it out.. my first attempt didn't work so well... Looking over the Ref Pics, I did see that there are seams at the top and bottom of the cumberbund as well as inbetween the ribs. If that helps any?

I'll be working on this after C4. When I do, I'll post my pain... okay! :lol:
i was actually thinking of making a pocket..turn it inside out and put some badding inside...then stitch the three stitches to make up the four ribs...the shoe that like speed laces on boots or is it just regular lace gromets like the vest? and the belt is actually three pieces right? one tie in the back and one under the holster? four eye holes or speed lacers per edge?

shouldnt be too hard to make once the details are in...i read somewhere its about 3 1/2 inches high after its done?
They are black lacers like on ice skates or hiking boots (Not gromets or eyelets). Cumberbund is 2 pieces somewhere between 1/3 - 2/3 and 1/4 and 3/4 sizes. One piece starts at the middle of the back and wraps on the right to the holster. The other piece wraps the rest of the way and has an eyelet smack dab in the middle of the belly, in the middle of the ribbing.
The colors I dyed it weren't right... Not at all. That's the problem with purple/lavender. It can be so tricky to get the right color combo. :facepalm I also didn't wash the sheepskin in the naptha wash like MonCal has suggested (I did this before his suggestion came up!) and it was very slippery to work with. My seams weren't the straightest :lol:

I've also come to the realization I need to practice something before I "make" it... Learned this the expensive way. ;)
Use a plastic bag when putting in the foam. Then it will "stay" instead of bunch. Use easy pre-drawn lines on paper to sew through, so that your lines will be straight, and you can crease and tear it away. Chopsticks and a yard stick are a sewing help! It's nice to poke the cumberbund to invert it. Use acetone to take off the finish of the white lambskin, so that your airbrush paint will stay and not crack. Use finish like resolene after the paint. (I didn't use naptha soap for anything... so it's a good alternative for the naptha, is my guess?)
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I've already washed and prepared this sheepskin and cut out the pattern ( I'ts a rectangle for cryin' out loud :lol: ) for cumberbund 2.0 already - Just waiting to get back from C4 to get to work on my own costume for a change! (I'm up to here with Padme's and Jedi's! :lol: :lol: )
sounds good guys (gals), good tips there too...i inadvertently stated three sections...not sure where i was getting that from my description of one tie in the back and one by the holster, but oh well:lol:lol:

good idea with the plastic bag zia...does it sound crinkly when you walk around or is it unnoticable? and i figured the speed lacers was what it was...i assume those are easily found at tandy or somewhere similar. I havnt decided on leather paint (airbrushed) versus dye...i like the paint because you can test, test, test on scrap in small sections until you get the color you want...then when you airbrush it you can go as heavy with the color as you seems the belt is much more color permeated than the vest...the vest has a much more worn down look and it's evident that it was painted not dyed, im guessing the belt was done the same way
Foam? In the cumberbund? I used really thick cords; actually, they are the cords that my daughter wore hanging around her neck when she graduated from college. Minus the tassels, of course. They were plenty long enough and I laid them between the inside and outside pieces of cumberbund and just stitched between them.

Of course, nothing I did is the "right way". I stitched the skirt right to the cumberbund instead of to a belt. There's enough layers on this thing to begin with, and I'm not one of those who enjoys spending more time getting into costume than wearing it. Plus I don't need any more thickness of ANYTHING around my waist! Plus, of course, I didn't realize that I wasn't doing it the right way....

Not sure this is helpful...sorry...
sounds good guys (gals), good tips there too...i inadvertently stated three sections...not sure where i was getting that from my description of one tie in the back and one by the holster, but oh well:lol:lol:

good idea with the plastic bag zia...does it sound crinkly when you walk around or is it unnoticable?

Oops, forgot to mention, you have to take the plastic bag out. It's only so that you can get your foam in even, otherwize, it will bunch no matter what you do. That's the hardest part, getting everything even. (that's if you decide to do it the pocket method where the last seam is by the holster.)I think that you can just sew it - last seam where the last stitch is on the bottom of the cumberbund and you woulnd't have to worry about the plastic. I debated this with DCB, cause there are pics to support both methods. I also have a feeling that they backed the cumberbund with a leather piece so that it wouldn't collapse under the weight of the greeblies etc. But I have no supporting evidence for it and didn't have a chance to do it myself on my own. Kinda like the jango girth belts with the laced leather. It's backed by a piece of leather.

And no, you have to go to a boot repair shop with special "installers" to get those type of boot hooks, and get them installed, tandy doesn't carry them. I just put a spacer and hammered the heck outta mine and added glued them to make sure they stayed, after making it flower out.

Foam? In the cumberbund? I used really thick cords; actually, they are the cords that my daughter wore hanging around her neck when she graduated from college. Minus the tassels, of course. They were plenty long enough and I laid them between the inside and outside pieces of cumberbund and just stitched between them.
Of course, nothing I did is the "right way". I stitched the skirt right to the cumberbund instead of to a belt. There's enough layers on this thing to begin with, and I'm not one of those who enjoys spending more time getting into costume than wearing it. Plus I don't need any more thickness of ANYTHING around my waist! Plus, of course, I didn't realize that I wasn't doing it the right way....
Not sure this is helpful...sorry...

Actually, it's nice to hear about alternate methods to achieve a similar look. That's cool.
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I made the smaller part for Becky a day or two ago. Hard work!

I noticed the ref pics have an inverted seam on the front (were they bth meet by the holster) and I have shot of Zam's back (catwalk shots plus one more behind the scenes) that show that this "sock" is then turned inside out again, sewn and closed up at the rear of the belt. My guess is their thinking was the hooks and lace will cover up the seam.

Makes sense and the only way to make it work. Unless I'm wrong someone please tell me how it's done.

In short, the front facing seams (by the holster) are made inside out to hde them. Then the rear seams are sewn as normal from the outside and hid by the hooks lace.


This is being done again as I made it about an inch too short anyway. Fool!!!
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