Cheapo Fett 0.02b


New Hunter
O.K., so I downloaded the WoF Templates and made one out of paper with just the the outsides to see if it would actually fit me. I also made the dome out of paper just to see if that crazy orange peel could have any hope of becoming a dome. It did.

So with "Cheapo Fett 0.01b" under my belt I decided to try something a little more involved. After reading the amazing AntMan tutorial I knew what to do. Enter "Cheapo Fett v0.02b". I couldn't find anywhere to buy the cardboard. Well lucky me I found a huge pile of discarded three ring binders at work and so...


As modeled by my lovely daughter Elizabeth. It came out O.K. considering I had to piece together a stack of 10" x 12" cardboard pieces of various thickness, texture, and material consistency.

Here's a few other shots...




The visor is only sitting in there for effect, not mounted at all. I will still need to finish it with a filler of some sort, seal and paint before I actually mount it. The shape is O.K. and the structure is fairly solid. It's much heavier than I thought it would be. I could use some help though. I can't get the ears right. I mutilated the cardboard ones that I tried to make like Antman's. When I tried to sculpt one out of floral foam it was to weak and just disintegrated. Also, and worst of all, I can't fit my big nose in it :cry

I do not know if it's because the templates reduced slightly during printing, or if perhaps the design by nature was just to small but my big nose presses firmly (FIRMLY!) against the visor when I wear it. Luckily the amazing Allen has provided me with the cad files so I can attempt to resize them slightly to the +. And I also managed to finally find a piece of framing mat board I am going to try on the next one. It is only 1/16" thick so I don't know if it will work. I'll give it a go and see what happens.
I love seeing scratch builds on this site, makes me excited to be starting mine. I was lucky to find my old art pads in my garage, and started making the ears and RF with that, until i found the cardboard at Aaron Brothers. Keep up the good work =]
Wow I totally forgot I posted this! I have done a lot since this post so I guess I should update it. I am almost finished except for the paint on the right ear, the range finder, and the final detail paint on the dome.

It has a lot of clumsiness in the process but I learned a lot so the next one should be much better. By the time I got to the painting phase I realized how far from perfect this was and decided to just wing it with what ever paint I happened to have on hand. It should still be a great halloween costume for my eight year old. I will buy all the right paint colors and do it better when I work on one to fit me.

I was going for an ESB style look with this but since the paint was all freehanded with the "ya that looks about right" color mixing method it is far from accurate. Anyway all that said here are the progress shots since this post.

The first step after the above pics was to bury it in drywall mud. Goes on pink, dries white!

Then I sanded, and sanded some more,added more mud,sanded some more, ad nausea...

By this time I realized that the dry wall mud on cardboard wasn't going to look as great as I hoped so I kind of let it go. I figured this one was far from perfect so I would let the paint and weathering cover most of the imperfections and just live with it. Hey it was a learning experience. Note that the range finder is static. By this stage I had the ears so barely usable that adding movement was out of the question. Anyway, then I put on the fancy silver colored primer.


And here is where it is now with most of the paint done. The viser is still just set in place for effect. Obviously it wont be mounted until the paint is all done.




So there it is. I know it's not much to look at compared to what many here have done but it's a step towards a having a good bucket I guess. Thanks for looking!
Having people attempt scratchbuilt helmets always blows me away! I'm still too much of a chicken to attempt one myself. Awesome work! All it needs now is a couple of black washes to take the shine away.
Thanks Swede. Yes once I finish the paint I plan to do a coat of matte polycrylic then tone it down with the "windex with a drop of black paint trick" that has been mentioned before.
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