

New Hunter
Greetings and merry met to all. A question?
So far all my costuming/armor experience is of a medival nature. Sewing tunic and kilts, linking chainmail, ext. With this in mind when I look at Mando suits I'm struck by all the gaps in their coverage. Now I know these suits where designed for movie appearance not combat survivability, however...
When I first thought of making a custom Mando suit I immediately thought of incorporating what I know of medival armor design and layering. What I would like to know is what everyone would think of a Mando suit that including chainmail under or between the plates? If you saw such a suit walking aroung a convention/gathering would you think: 'Cool/Interesting/Awsome idea.', or would you think I have breathed in far too much Bondo?
All comments/thought/observation/snide remarks are welcome. I believe(and practice) in brutal honesty, whether or not you agree/disagree.
Unitl next time blessed be...
I love chainmail, I've made my share of it for LOTR costuming. Having said that, I don't think it fits in Star Wars really. It's designed to stand up against blades and some projectiles. In a world of energy weapons, it's like blocking off a forest fire with a wooden fence. If you could alter the appearance in some way and say it was a cortosis weave (perhaps alternate between steel and brass links or something along those lines), I imagine that could be more practical (in character) than plain steel.
Seems to me I've seen one person who was wearing a chain mail hood that covered his neck-basically he used it as a neckseal. So it has been done at least once by a custom so maybe you can write it into your backstory as some sort of protective technology you've found or adapted/invented perhaps. In my case, I've written it into my backstory that my jumpsuit is made of woven shell spider silk which is very effective at stopping most energy weapons for the most part. Isn't it nice to be a custom? :D

It's cool to see there's others around here who have cramped their hands making chainmail. I think it could look cool on a custom mando but you would have to be careful not to over do it.
it doesnt fit in with the star wars universe, because if a ablaster hit it, it wouldnt make a difference.

and the mandalorian already has enough layers for the costume, honestly being in it you would already burn up, but with chainmail.....
Seems to me I've seen one person who was wearing a chain mail hood that covered his neck-basically he used it as a neckseal.

:) That would be me.:)


Some people may feel that chain mail has no place in Star Wars, however the links don't have to be made out of regular metal. Mine is being written into my back groun as linked Mandalorian Steel. It is a nice way to keep my character's head on his sholders when he is hunting Jedi.

A custom should be something that you feel you are happy with, that's why it is a custom. You have no set rules and regulations to go buy for your costume. I would say as long as you spend the time on your Mando and make it look good you can do almost anything you want.

I personally would think if it was done properly, mail armor under the plates of a Mando who's speciality is more focused on heavy armor or vibro blade style combat would really look good.

Good luck with your costume and make sure you post pics of your set when finished.
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:) That would be me.:)


Some people may feel that chain mail has no place in Star Wars, however the links don't have to be made out of regular metal. Mine is being written into my back groun as linked Mandalorian Steel. It is a nice way to keep my character's head on his sholders when he is hunting Jedi.

A custom should be something that you feel you are happy with. I personally would think if it was done right mail armor under the plates of a Mando who's speciality is more focused on heavy armor or vibro blade style combat.

Good luck with your costume and make sure you post pics of your set when finished.

Hey Tack, wicked looking custom Mando. Regarding chain mail on a custom I think it would be great UNDER the chest armor, especially if you did something like scale mail or linked rectangles. Imagine a black and silver custom Mando: black plates with silver mail or the other way around. You may also want to consider making the mail some other color besides silver. Just some suggestions. Plz post pics of whatever you do. : )

I know the Star Wars universe is about lasers and energy weapons, but I'm sure that some of the outlands would still have edged weapons in common use. In our own time, not every country on the face of the earth has "modern" weapons, so why would every planet in the galaxy have the latest techno gear? I think the Empire would want to keep every military advantage over the systems that it could. BTW, didn't Ghez Hokan carry a vibroblade and use an impact weapon, the Verpine, in Republic Commando: Hard Contact by Karen Traviss?
A half dozen replies in just 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, wish I'd found this page awhile ago. Thanks for all the comments and insight. PLEASE. keep 'em coming. I don't know what I'll do or even if(little time, less money, ext), but two of my three main hobbies could easily lead into this(reading, sewing, chainmail).
I'll continue to bounse around ideas, maybe after my move and I settle into my new home & job. Thanks again to all, until next time blessed be.
P.S.- One idea that keeps coming to front of my head is NOT making a suit of costume armor, but making a suit of real armor with a heavy Mando influence to the style/appearance. Who knows, time will tell...
Oh how I would love to make a suit of real RC amror. Mando armor's great and all, but the RC set up is so sweet! :cheers

By "RC" I assume you mean Republic Commando? That would be SO awesome. Does anyone have or know of any RC armor templates? Maybe something on the 501ST website or a Clone Trooper site?
At the Clonetrooper detachment, there are about 2-3 sets being sold as a run. Here's one of them: These guys were at D-Con I think, and had all 4 Deltas

Jsut a word of advice, if you haven't been there, CT.N doesn't like WTB threads. We all have popcorn when on of those turns up. lol
Toragh is right about the wtb's, best thing you could do to save some greif is to find the RC section find out whos doing the run and pm them directly and ask your questions and what nots about the suit or getting in on the run.
Question? Your Mondo Chainmail shirt, just how heavy is it? So far I have made a vest, 16ga steel, 4-in-1 weave, and a shirt, 6-in-1 weave mix of 18ga steel and 17ga aluminum. Both are somewhere between 20-25lbs. I had no problem wearing either of them for the first 12-13 hours or so. After that they did start to chaff my collar bones a bit. Actually your pic is similar to some of my first thoughts on combining to two armor styles. What metal, in what gauge, in what weave did you use?
Thank you.
some people think a 10lb jet pack is too heavy
and now we're talking 20lb chainmail shirts?

chainmail is awesome looking, for lotr and medieval costuming. even for some stuff like zelda and nintendo characters its great. but star wars takes place in a galaxy with laser and laser swords. to spot weld that chainmail you need heat....which would be the same kind that a laser or lightsaber would provide in star wars except when it hits it woudl slice through not bond it. although it looks cool, without a complex story the appearance might look goofy

I guess it would be like wearing a full plate suit only lighter. If fitted right you can wear it a good while. a jet pack is another story thats 10 pounds right on your shoulders for hours, where chainmail and armor is evenly placed on the body. I'd lose the jet pack if I where doing that definitely.

And I have worn my share of platemail.

I figured a mail shirt would be a bit heavy as your vest. but has anyone tried to "mesh" (pun totally intentional:p ) the chain mail with a Jango leather vest? If you cover just necessary places like the shoulders and sides, etc. That would likely help keep the weight issue down to a minimum, and be a whole lot more comfortable...Thoughts?

I thought maybe it was you in the photo Tack, but wasn't certain. I figured someone would spot my post and give the creator recognition for it. Fine work btw, I'd just be afraid my head would rust-that's just hard to explain away to folks...:facepalm

I used .072 thick stainless wire with an OD of .459 in a 4 in 1 pattern with a mix of 14 & 16 gauge plates over top. I don't remember the exact weight, but I think it weighed in close to 40lbs. After marching in a parade and party after, that thing felt like I was dragging an anchor.

I had a fett inspired helmet made, but the smith that made it was sloppy and cheaped out on me. Not only does it not fit, its offensive to all Fetts.

I test fired a crossbow at the armor and while it splits the rings open, the bolt shattered on the plate.
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