Bucket progress


Active Hunter
***UPDATE 10/15/05***

After a small haitus due to packing all my crap to move, I finally sat down yesterday and pretty much finished off my bucket. This is my first bucket, its a Marrow Sun MS, I'm pretty happy with it but im itching to do another already. I took the pix outside for the natural light but the Sun was a little bright at the time, I'll take more later when it's not as intense. I still need to do a few more things like the ear decals which I will cut when I get to my new place and unpack my decal cutter and of course that RF is a temp. until I build my SingleSeat RF;) Let me know what you guys and gals think.



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:D nice matt colours there!

hmm.. don't know anything about air brush though...

just keep goin, I think it looks good!! :)
:D nice matt colours there!

hmm.. don't know anything about air brush though...

just keep goin, I think it looks good!! :)

woops... think my internet is freakin' out... sorry mods..
All I get is the dreaded red X for pictures. What air pressure are you using and what distance away from the helmet are you holding the airbrush? I found for my Paashe the about 30lbs of actual pressure (my compressor drops about 5 psi when I pull the trigger) works well if I hold the brush about a foot away.
Pavespawn said:
All I get is the dreaded red X for pictures. What air pressure are you using and what distance away from the helmet are you holding the airbrush? I found for my Paashe the about 30lbs of actual pressure (my compressor drops about 5 psi when I pull the trigger) works well if I hold the brush about a foot away.

Yeah, that might actually be the problem. My compressor was set to like 60psi :lol: so the paint was probably drying as it came out. Thanx for the tip pave:thumbsup: I'll give it another couple of cotes at 30psi.
Ok, so I got the airbrush workin correctly now(thanx pave). Now say I was to seal certain areas with the dulcote for purposes of masking without ripping the paint off as you can see happened to the lower cheeks, would I still get the same affect with the windshield wiper fluid wash on top of the dulcote, or does it need to be in direct contact with the paint itself? Also, with the dulcote, should I use a thinner or will it work in an airbrush without thinning?

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Almost done! After much frustration with peeling paint from masking tape, screaming unholy words at the top of my lungs, I finally finish the mandibles and repaired the parts where the tape peeled up the paint, it actually gave it a crusty layered painted over look which looks pretty cool. Just have to tackle the back and weather it all up and i'll be done, for now.
Looking good!

I repainted a Rubies bucket for a friend and had the same problem, but like you I think the effect worked pretty good.

Keep us posted with progress pics.
Nutcore said:
Almost done! After much frustration with peeling paint from masking tape, screaming unholy words at the top of my lungs, I finally finish the mandibles and repaired the parts where the tape peeled up the paint, it actually gave it a crusty layered painted over look which looks pretty cool. Just have to tackle the back and weather it all up and i'll be done, for now.
Try using a good hair dryer when removing the Tape ..should help some..:thumbsup:

And Looks GREAT!!:cheers
Spideyfett said:
Try using a good hair dryer when removing the Tape ..should help some..:thumbsup:

And Looks GREAT!!:cheers

Thanx for the tip spidey:thumbsup: I really dont get it, I use the purple tape, the "super release" tape and it still peels up, even after i sealed it with the dulcote. I'll give the blowdryer a try when i do the back, thanx;)
Nutcore said:
Thanx for the tip spidey:thumbsup: I really dont get it, I use the purple tape, the "super release" tape and it still peels up, even after i sealed it with the dulcote. I'll give the blowdryer a try when i do the back, thanx;)

On the back on each layer I first brush the color on as a base coat...then with low pressure I air-brush that same color to give that EVEN look,,,,Sometimes to avoid using Masking-tape I use a ton of masking fluid in the same way you would mask with the tape...No lifting that way....;)
Just a few tips.:thumbsup:
I had the same problems. Here is what I did and, as goofy as it may sound, it works.

For the cheeks, I cut out templates to fit in using posterboard. Since my visor wasn't in, I looped the tape from the bottom of the template, into the helmet, out of the visor and to the top of the template. Painted, removed the top piece of tape, touched up the area it covered and repeated the process.

As far as the tape goes, I used the blue and it did the same thing yours did (on my rubies jango). So, I decided to get creative and when I used the tape, I reversed it, sticky side out, and attached it to the helmet by smaller pieces of the same tape. It held well, and when removed, I had MINIMAL areas to touch up.
Thank you Pave, Mark and Officer, I appreciate the comments:thumbsup: My next order of fett business is scratch built pre-pro gauntlets8)
Ok, so I got the airbrush workin correctly now(thanx pave). Now say I was to seal certain areas with the dulcote for purposes of masking without ripping the paint off as you can see happened to the lower cheeks, would I still get the same affect with the windshield wiper fluid wash on top of the dulcote, or does it need to be in direct contact with the paint itself? Also, with the dulcote, should I use a thinner or will it work in an airbrush without thinning?


great painting... looks realy great. hope my helmet will looks like yours...
...i like the colour you use...
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