BOBF: Gloves (not gauntlets) Identified?

Rook 3

Jr Hunter
Has anyone IDed the black outer gloves used in BOBF? They appear to be a short wrist patrol glove, but they also have a ribbing detail on the fingers which Isn't on any of the patrol gloves I've found. I found one pair of "tactical" or motorcycle gloves on Amazon with the correct finger detail, but they have a hard knuckle across the top of the hand and Boba's don't appear to have that.

They appear to be a layered set with a dark brown "inner" glove and the fingers cut off below the finger ribbing on the black outer glove.


  • Glove 1.jpg
    Glove 1.jpg
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    Glove 2.jpg
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Wellll... I just kind of randomly stumbled across these... and I think it's the right ones, or VERY close to correct!

Glove 1.jpg

Now, I believe a few mods have been done, such as removing the palm padding panel that goes from the thumb base to the other side, and possibly the removal of the ridged thumb padding, but they look super close.

The stripe of leather that runs up the side from the web of the hand to the wrist is identical width, the fingers have the correct number of padding ridges (5 of them). I ordered a pair, so we'll see in a week how close they are.

Here's the first site I found them on. If you copy/paste the name of the item you'll also find 2 sellers on Amazon for the same item, with a slightly different name. Price varies from $33 to $50.

Vance VL471 Mens Black Convertible Zip Off Gauntlet Deerskin Leather Gloves

Just need to add a pair of dark brown gloves inside after cutting the finger tips off and you should be pretty close!
Sometimes your hunts actually pan out. :)
Every "hunt" is a good one. Even if you come up no joy, you still get the experience out of it along with some "finds" along the way. I remember all of the saved pages, vendors and jpgs. when I was working my ROTJ Boba, all worth it even the stuff that didn't pan out;)
Okay, I got the gloves.

Initial impressions...

They're decent quality. The leather is soft. The finger tips have a "stiff" textured surface on the finger "pad," but since you'd be cutting them off anyway, that's not important.

They're a lined, spring/fall glove so you'll likely have to cut the liner out. I also found the size to _maybe_ be a bit on the small size. I would normally wear a Large driving/Han Solo style glove, and these are snug with the liner intact. There's NO way I'd fit another set of gloves inside these. I'm returning the Larges and getting an XL set.
Okay, a more in depth review...

The leather is soft, so it should be easy to modify. There's anti-abrasion material in the web of the hand to reduce wear and tear since these are motorcycle gloves originally. I think in my screen grabs it appeared that they removed the palm panel but I'll need to double check.

The gloves have a zip off gauntlet which doesn't appear to be used with the costume because you can see Boba's skin at the wrist in a couple scenes. The gloves also have a "fleece" liner which probably adds at least 1/8" of cushion. Of course for costuming purposes you'll want to remove that otherwise you'll never get a second set of gloves inside (dark brown police style patrol gloves) which you'll need for accuracy.

Size runs a bit snug. I normally wear a large, but went with an XL because of how tight the large gloves were. Maybe removing the inner layer would help with that, but to be on the safe size I went with one size larger.

The first pair I got on sale for like $35. These larger ones cost me around $50.

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Update for folks thinking about the Crowprops gloves/handplates. I just received mine, spot on, really great work. The gloves fit perfect, plates are great looking casts and just enough shore hardness to bend if/when needed but remain the correct shape.
Did you order true to your regular glove size or did you have to up size at all? A "regular" Large glove for me fits snug like a Han Solo style flight glove, but an XL is a little more roomy.
I wear a large so order the large and they're just about perfect, maybe a tad tight but I like the dexterity. And no kidding the handplates are beautiful.

Those are exactly the same black gloves I got, close to the Vance ones which are expensive for the same look.
The brown gloves that goes underneath are the lightweight driving "Patrol X" gloves.
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I still need to pick up a pair of those inner gloves. Which color did you get? I see "brown" and "saddle" which is a much darker brown.

I also need to fix my pants as the measurements they asked for and the size I gave resulted in pants with a waist waaaaay too big for me. Well, I guess that's why seamstresses were invented. :)
I still need to pick up a pair of those inner gloves. Which color did you get? I see "brown" and "saddle" which is a much darker brown.

I also need to fix my pants as the measurements they asked for and the size I gave resulted in pants with a waist waaaaay too big for me. Well, I guess that's why seamstresses were invented. :)
Just brown. Saddle would be like a tannish color.
I stripped the palm and finger base padding off this weekend with a fresh X-Acto blade and they feel so much better now. Just need to secure the inner gloves next...
Look for "Patrol X Brown Lightweight Gloves", which are the accurate ones. Look for the "Chestnut" (Dark Brown ones).

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