BOBF: Boots Identified and alternatives?

Rook 3

Jr Hunter
This information originally came from Gee2. The sole on the shoes/boots seems a perfect match. Since we've seen no BHTScenes footage or making of documentaries (Come ON Disney, wth??), I'm making a logical leap on the style based on previous similar features.

This initial info is based on images of the BOBF cardboard standee image. The boots pictured in the image and the overall design for the BOBF boots (which are different from the Mandalorian Season 2 boots) are...

Merrell ICE+

They could be the

Merrell Coldpack Ice+ Moc style boot.


The reason I like this style is because this style has no laces, similar to the boots Jango had in the prequels.

The sole is the same on the Coldpack Ice+ Moc and the second (probably the CORRECT) option...

Merrell Moab FST Ice+
merrell-moab-fst-ice--hiking-boots (1).jpgmerrell-moab-fst-ice--hiking-boots.jpg
...which is a more high top style with laces although I believe this style was available in different height uppers.

61qxmk5C-qL._AC_SL1494_ (2).jpg

If you look at the Boba example, there's a horizontal "line" just under the spat, that
looks similar to the area in front of the laces. So I think that's the correct screen accurate version.

Either way, the boots used in the show have an added ridged rubber toe cover attached to the front, and a brown "leather" long length spat with a black elastic strap running under the sole.

boba-fett1x07_3198 (2).jpg

Interesting in the screen cap that the sole looks more like a vibram, and is totally different than the Merrell boots pictured in the carboard cutout, which suggests It's not a Merrell boot at all. :(

Anyone know what the base boot is with the vibram style sole?
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Some of the Merrell boots I looked at had a Vibram sole, but so did the boots from M-S2. FYSA for anybody thinking about going this route, I received my toe cap and spats order from Crowprops (along with gloves and handplates). The toe caps they're producing do not fit the Merrell boots, they're too shallow and too narrow. Beautiful pours and very crisp lines but they don't fit 100%. I'm assuming they're molded to fit the boots they're offering so that could be why. Leather spats are spot on though, really great replicas.
Thanks for the info! I haven't been able to find a Merrell with a Vibram sole the same style as used on the show. There's ONE shot of the boot bottom when Boba is riding the Rancor where you can see the edge of the yellow Vibram logo on the arch, but that's the only place I've seen.

(Image brightened and contrast adjusted.)

I'd be curious to see the bottom of Crowprops boots they supply and see how they match up to the screencaps from the show.

Were you able to modify the toe cover to work with your boots, or are you figuring out an alternative solution.

Crowprops spats look REALLY nice from the images on their site.
You know, I don't think they ever took a picture of the sole they're using. I'm going to send off an email with some pics. for Gio on the issues with matching them to the Merrell's, maybe they'll consider producing a larger toe cap but I doubt it.
I found a video on youtube showing features of their soft parts including the boots, but you only get a brief shot of the side of the boot, which is different from what is on their sales site. Some innovative features in the suit and a couple that I question, but overall it looks good.
I never did. From the promo/cardboard standee they look like the Merrell Moab FST Ice+ but the bottom sole shot I was able to get from the show, shows a different/vibram tread pattern than that boot, soooo... *shrugs*
No definitive proof other than they're most likely switching out boots for different shots similar to what they did with Shand and her wedges.
Reposting this info from my post at the Mando Mercs group.
I suppose it really depends on which level of approval you're going for.

Since there's no CRL right now, you're flying in the fog as far as complete accuracy.

Generally, you'd want to not see boot laces, so removing the bottom couple rows would work.

NONE of the following suggestions are Mercs or 501st approved, FYI.

Merrell Moab FST Ice+ could work as it was used on the Mando S2 Repaint suit for publicity photos.


Merrell Coldpack Ice+ Moc is a similar style sole, but a shorter running show style upper.


Under Armour Men's Infil OPS Gore tex boots 1287948-001 Black, These are the correct style matched by another member for screen accurate BoBF "Daimyo."


The Under Armour Field OPS GTX boot has the EXACT same sole pattern as the screen accurate Infil Ops boot... but it's in a light grey/off white color instead of black. The upper is different also, but the toe will be covered with a boot cap anyway. You'll just need to dye the sole or paint it with an acrylic paint perhaps?


Again, these aren't approved for "membership" since there's no approved CRL yet for Daimyo, but they might get you close.
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