Board Names


Well-Known Hunter
I've always thought about where people get there names from. It might be interesting to find out the origins.

Like me for example: I signed up after I was just looking at the football jerseys with FETT on the back on, so...TeamFett!

What about you guys?
I completely forgot to use my normal Boba screen name and thought this at the time sounded better than Boba Scott of Boerne Fett. Is there anyway I can change my name?
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some people mistake me for Infra Fett. I don't mind though.

Well, my name comes from a mix of a Technical Device and Jango/Boba Fett.
Infrared, like Infrared cameras that can detect heat. I was trying to think of a good name then I put them together and liked the sound of it.

TxFett, just give The Dent a PM and he'll take care of your name change.

I completely forgot to use my normal Boba screen name and thought this at the time sounded better than Boba Scott of Boerne Fett. Is there anyway I can change my name?
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When I used to play paintball on a regualar basis, I played in the woods. I customized my paintball mask with paint and strips of a camo t-shirt that I cut up that kind of looked like long hairs around the top and sides. The point was that the strips were camo and they would move in the wind like leaves in the wind. If I stood in front of or behind a bush you couldn't see me. Well after I shot a hand full of people that were looking right at me and never saw me or saw me right as I was laying into the trigger they thought I was like the predator and since the little stips of fabric reminded them of the predators dreads it just made since. So it stuck and has been my screen name and nickname on the paintball field ever since.

Oh and the MV are my first and middle initial.
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Right of the bat, I'm gonna say I was surprised that "Jimmy BufFETT" was not taken when I first joined. Anyway, I had been browsing as a guest for a little while and seeing some people had used the name 'Fett' in their user IDs, so I started thinking of a good one for mine. I couldn't come up with anything good, until I picked up one of my Jimmy Buffett CDs ... an then it came to me. Well, I listen to Jimmy Buffett fequently, so it was perfect.
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Mine is I guess a little un-original. I live in the Tampa Bay area & used "TampaFett" first to see if it was taken. If I could change my name it would be "BH-5150" ( Bounty Hunter & "5150" my favorite Van halen album & btw police code for "crazy guy on the loose")
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I'm a web designer and I have some Native American heritage in my background. Growing up my friends always called me "Chief". I stuck them together when I was building my personal website years ago and it stayed ever since.
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I got the nickname Asok while working at IBM in their software group as an intern back in the late 90's. Dilbert was sort of big thing in the building.
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I am really bad at deciding on names so I asked my brother what he thought. He just jokingly threw out the first thing that popped in his head. It was like an unspoken dare. After a few more days I just kinda gave up and figured why not. At least it'll be interesting and I can make my avatar sorta evil looking to compensate somewhat for the girly name.
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I used to be Grendel Prime but my login got archived out of being able to post when I went through a separation/divorce and wasn't around much/have time for the costuming thing...

So --- Grendel Prime Reborn seemed appropriate.

Grendel Prime of course being the last incarnation of the Grendel characterization of the Matt Wagner Grendel comic series. They variant of the Grendel "eyes" I created can be found usually as my avatar, or in this case they are on one of my shoulder bells as a sort of Grendel clan affiliation (shoulder bell in question is my avatar to the left BTW)

Pretty soon the Grendel eyes of mine - along with some very cool custom Grendel related artwork contained within each "eye" - will be my first and only tattoo scrolled on about 3/4 of my back. :D

Besides the mandalorian mythos... the Grendel concept is the only one I've ever really found a strong liking/affiliation to. Well... graphically speaking.

But then again - trying to dress up like a Shakespeareian character will usually incite ridicule, a beatdown, or more questions than one might get in a custom mando as to what the frak you are trying to be! :)
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i've actually been working on my boba costume on and off since 98/99 and i know that even when i finally get something presentable and wearable it still won't actually be done with constant updates and upgrades and repaints an repairs and and and.... so it's a never ending fett project.

well Ronin (ie the film of the same name, one of my favs) comes from a Samurai with no sworn allegiance. And the 677 is the last three of my army number.
Drokk was a curse word from the old Judege Dredd comics. I added the "ul" years ago as Drokk was taken when I tried to sign up with my first ISP.

I just thought it made it look kind of cool.
Callista is my fave character from the star wars books...she has a cool lightsaber too!! Ive just always used it since I started reading the books....doesnt relate to my real name...Zoe
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