Blaster stock and grip instructions for 3mm sintra


New Hunter
Hi everybody,

I'm extremely new to this forum, but being a graphic designer by trade (and prop and costume maker by passion) I've started on the adventurous road of building an E-33 Blaster from scratch.

Lucky for me, there's a guy here who manages to craft the most incredibly accurate and complete template drawings anyone could ever want. Wizardoflight. :thumbsup:

Working from his Webley MkI Flare Gun drawings, I'm putting together what I hope will be a useful set of instructions and patterns for a scratch-built E-33 Blaster from 3mm (1/8" PVC Sintra)

So far, I've finished the pattern drawings and assembly instruction sheets for the E-33 Stock Assembly and E-33 Grip Assembly. These are downloadable as PDF files in a ZIP archive folder, available here:

All the PDF files are printable at Legal page format (8 1/2" x 14") and are sized at 1:1 scale (100%) I've tried to keep the patterns and instructions within the boundaries of A4 format, too (to try to avoid any "Imperial" entanglements :lol:)

Help yourself! I'm trying these out at the same time, so we'll probably find problems and improvements together. Let me know how these work for you, and if you'd like to see more instructions like these?


Michael...those are freakin' awesome, man...thanks a ton! I can't even get my helmet-build off the ground yet, and yer givin' me MORE projects to work on!:lol:
Thanks guys!

I just got my lot of sintra sheets in, so it's off to the cutting board to test these out. I'll post pics as I go along, and if anybody else tries their hand at these, let me know!

Ghostsoldier, I remember you were working on a few sets at the same time. Make sure you search these forums for Wizardoflight's incredible templates. (they're what I worked from to develop these instructional pattern PDFs) Armor, helmet, jet pack... he's developed fantastic templates for all things Mandalorian! Should help you out a lot!

I wanted to put these pattern PDFs together, because there are a lot of people (like me) who live in areas where getting a hold of actual gun stocks or grips is a problem.. or the cost of adapting real parts is just too high. There are some beautiful resin casts and parts out there, but I wanted to see if I could really build a decent EE-3 completely from scratch first.

I don't have access to a workshop either (my "shop" is my apartment) and sintra happens to be a material I've worked with before and feel comfortable with. It sands well, I can work it in my "shop" without the neighbors calling the cops (Ha!) and I like how sintra accepts putty, bondo, primer, everything really well.

Right. Time to charge the digital camera batteries and get to some serious blaster construction! Thanks again, guys.

Next phase: Barrel and Sight Assembly using PVC piping and sintra parts.
Perfect drawings dude , the blaster is one of the last pieces for my Fett gear. These templates will make this project easy and great to work on .
I'm about 3/4 of the way through constucting one of these as an alternate to my original EE-3. Just need to finish sanding the stock and I'm done. I'll post pics when I'm done, then I can get on with making the cylinder and barrel.
Hey these patterns re working just fine , Im gonna post pics very soon of my progress. One question guys how many cooling fins are all around the gun barrell?

wow, everyone posting how great these are, and me without an EE-3. makes me sad that the link is dead =( if only I had of had the money to build this 6 years ago
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