Blaster barrel blades?

Does anyone know what wiper blades are used on the barrel of the blaster and where to get them?
This maybe a redundant thread, if so please forgive me.
I don't think you will find them, wiper blades have changed a lot since then and one of the few things that are upgraded during car restorations.
Many people believed that the grip material used on the lightsabers, and Fett's ROTJ blaster, was a windshield wiper blade. However, the windshield wiper blade myth was debunked on the RPF several months ago.

The lightsaber grips and ROTJ fins are actually t-track from old cupboards with sliding doors.
Many people believed that the grip material used on the lightsabers, and Fett's ROTJ blaster, was a windshield wiper blade. However, the windshield wiper blade myth was debunked on the RPF several months ago.

The lightsaber grips and ROTJ fins are actually t-track from old cupboards with sliding doors.

I can second that, in the Star wars insider that had the article on the bounty hunters and criminal underworld, it did one of those "pull apart" things on a scene, this one being cloud city capture. it actually points out that t track from cupboards and sliding drawers was used to cover the cooling holes of the sterling rifles used for e-11's.
I used 'T' section rubber on mine from a local supplier.

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