best weathering


New Hunter
after a lot of sanding i finally got the paint off my bucket and im startin to repaint. Im goin for ROTJ and i know where all the scratches are but i dont know how to go about making them. any tips on what the best method on how to do that and on the best ways of weathering?
Personally I use spraypaint and mustard. Yes, mustard, straight from your fridge.

Paint the base silver, put mustard on whatever you want to show silver, then paint the second layer on. Once you can touch the 2nd layer without the paint being wet, wash it off, then do the 3rd layer.
There is also masking fluid, it works the exact same as the mustard would, but it's specifically made for masking in weathering. Mustard is extremely cheap, but I believe you get more accurate shapes with the masking fluid. Being on how much you want to spend, they are both pretty good ways for weathering armour.
the mustard worked great on the damage and im gonna go back over and make the small scratches on my own

are there other ways to make it looked dirty and weathered besides the pastel powder or is that the best way?
Mix a bit of acrylic paint in with some water and wash your helmet with it. Read through the paint list thread Rouge Studios posted (stickey at the top of this forum) it goes in detail.
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