best way to install a " removable " visor

Yroc Yar

Active Hunter
i'm putting the finishing touches on my new JD helmet and i'm down to the visor . in the past ,i have super glued and i have epoxied the visor into my old DP and it worked out fine . but when i got a bad gash or scratch i just had to live with it or replace the whole thing . is it better to glue or epoxy bolts inside the helmet and put it in that way or is there a better way ?
My friend, you need to look at the obvious. VELCRO! Attach the velcro to the visor with one side stuck to the visor and the other side with the cover paper removed. Line up the visor where you want it and press down. The exposed sticky surface will adhere to the helmet and you will have a totally removable visor. The best part is that if you don't get it 100% to your liking, just shift the velcro a bit. The visor won't sit 100% flush but the small gap will allow you a little air flow to keep your face cool.
JK! You Rock! I am such a tard! This will be my way.

Jodo_Kast wrote:

My friend, you need to look at the obvious. VELCRO! Attach the velcro to the visor with one side stuck to the visor and the other side with the cover paper removed. Line up the visor where you want it and press down. The exposed sticky surface will adhere to the helmet and you will have a totally removable visor. The best part is that if you don't get it 100% to your liking, just shift the velcro a bit. The visor won't sit 100% flush but the small gap will allow you a little air flow to keep your face cool.
The best method I saw was some sort of epoxied tabs that held the visor in place. I forgot who did it, but they epoxied these metal tab things that pushed down and held the visor in place. It was totally removable and the visor sat flush with the helmet.
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