Best Helmet Mics?


Active Hunter
OK folks, I need your input as to what is the best mic to put in a bucket? I've got my speakers all set up and just need some help with choosing a mic?


May be a computer mic could be used. Or the military ones that secure around the throat (would also be hidden by the neck seal).
Yeah, I've been seeing military throat microphones on Ebay for around $25 US. However I'm thinking about using one of the compact models that slips over one ear only-I'd think it'd be more comfortable than having the helmet rubbing that piece of plastic into the top and sides of my head for an extended period of time.

I went to Radio Shack and bought a lapel mic. It was about $30 and is powered. Then I just hot glued it to the bottom of the T. It works great.
My experience with trooping with the 501st, is make sure you think about how your costume is put together, both for durability, and for long term 1 to 4 hour comfort.
I already have a couple Sony lapel mics, I just hated to have to epoxy it inside the bucket. I guess I could put it in with velcro, taking it out when I'm doing the "ghost hunting" thing...

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