Best Armor for My Size


New Hunter
I have been debating making a Mando or possibly Fett costume for a number of years, and my wife recently got a sweet job so I finally have the cash to back the project. I've been trolling the forums for a while and have been debating where to start, and the armor or helmet seem the best place to get going with it. My biggest question is what would be the best option for armor for me. I'm 6' tall and about 225 lbs and fairly broad. I was wondering if there were any similalry sized ppl that have bought pre made armor that worked well for them. I've looked at the BM armor and it looks incredible I'm just worried about it looking small / narrow on me, any feedback is much appreciated.

-Live Free or Die-
I am selling my old armor. I made it from one of the templates here (Can't remenbers who's) but it was too big for me so I made new ones. I'm a little on the bigger side too, 190lbs 5,10 so it might be a good size for you. I'd say it is pretty accurate, and is made from 1/4 inch Sintra. All the battle damage and painting is done. I have the 2 Chest pieces, the diamond and the Ab plate for sale for a good price. I used spray cans so you can easily match the color for a colar piece. E-mail me for pics and more details if you are interested.

Maich said:
I have been debating making a Mando or possibly Fett costume for a number of years, and my wife recently got a sweet job so I finally have the cash to back the project. I've been trolling the forums for a while and have been debating where to start, and the armor or helmet seem the best place to get going with it. My biggest question is what would be the best option for armor for me. I'm 6' tall and about 225 lbs and fairly broad. I was wondering if there were any similalry sized ppl that have bought pre made armor that worked well for them. I've looked at the BM armor and it looks incredible I'm just worried about it looking small / narrow on me, any feedback is much appreciated.

-Live Free or Die-

You might PM wickedbeard, I got some armor from him and he is able to make it to suit larger folks.
Maich said:
I have been debating making a Mando or possibly Fett costume for a number of years, and my wife recently got a sweet job so I finally have the cash to back the project. I've been trolling the forums for a while and have been debating where to start, and the armor or helmet seem the best place to get going with it. My biggest question is what would be the best option for armor for me. I'm 6' tall and about 225 lbs and fairly broad. I was wondering if there were any similalry sized ppl that have bought pre made armor that worked well for them. I've looked at the BM armor and it looks incredible I'm just worried about it looking small / narrow on me, any feedback is much appreciated.

-Live Free or Die-

I had a similar issue with my armor. I am 6' 5" and 190 lbs. I ended up going with Handshwab. His armor is SUPER thick and vary easy to trim down if you feel its still to big. It comes with matching Collar and he now has Sholder armor as well. I was origonaly going to sculpt my own (I still plan on that some day) but found his armor to solve my problom quite well. Once its painted I will post a full review with pics. My only complaint is the center diamond didng have anough detail to me. I will be scratch building that out of abs I have and will possibly offer that as a replacement in fiberglass if any one ever wanted to upgrade the diamond for that size armor.

For my size on the other stuff, I found that MLC was the awnser. The knees look great on my size and stature and the back plate is great as well. I will be doing a tad bit of customizing to make the collar look right with the chest armor being that its not quite wide enough for me but thats an easy fix.
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