attachng the T-visor

What did you guys use to get it on there. I didnt think super glue would be good because when it dries it leaves sort of a white haze where the glue was applied.i didnt know exactly what other options i had.
Do a search for this topic. There have been posts about this already. The search engine is a dandy thang! :)
I'm fastly approaching this task as soon as my painting is finished which will be in a week or so...I plan on using...or at least trying the 3M 5lb double sided adhesive tape. It's what's used for adhering emblems onto cars etc.,so I think it should be up to the task of holding in a T-visor. I'll take pics and update after I'm done to give others perhaps another route.

fabricate some mounts and just use small screws to hold it in place, you can also add flare using screws. I used screws and also I installed an rectangular aluminum plate behind my visor, which gives stability and holds the visor in. Plus the best part is the visor can be taken out easily if you need to.
Delta-9 said:
fabricate some mounts and just use small screws to hold it in place, you can also add flare using screws. I used screws and also I installed an rectangular aluminum plate behind my visor, which gives stability and holds the visor in. Plus the best part is the visor can be taken out easily if you need to.

Go into the details here if you would please, im wondering on the screws part,, pics would be great
:) HOOK A BROTHER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well for my first helmet I kinda just rigged it up, and unfortunatly I dont have pics of of what I did, but I'll make sure to take some of my next one. All I can say is use very small ones, maybe like twice the size of the screws that normally come on a pair of glasses. Really you can just use like 4 small screws and screw them in just at the edge of your visor so when its tightened the head of the screw clamps down on the edge of the visor, thus holding it place. You will want to position these screws so your visor cannot move up or down or side to side. Also, you will probally want to add some thickness to your helmet where the screws will go in, if the screw comes thur the outside of your helmet, no big deal, just file it down and add a dab of paint. I wish I wasnt so gimped with posting pics or I'd just draw a nice diagram. I know I saw a pic on this board of what I just explained so search around for visor threads. I hope this helped a little.
so you glue really little screws in the helmet drill holes in the visor and the bolt it to the helmet? and im guessing the place where the visor and helmet comes together have to be really smooth so you dont see in. This is all new to me Ive never done this before what why I was hoping for pics so I dont fubar this thing.
No, I didnt drill a hole thru the visor, just in the helmet next to the visor so the head of the screw comes down halfway on the visor holding it down to the inside of your helmet. You will need about 4 to 5 spots around the visor where you should do this, I only did it in Three spots and I had an aluminum plate that held my visor in too, heres a pic, I finally took some time and learned how to post pics. The black dots are where my screws are on the inside of the helmet, I'd just take a pic of the inside of my helmet but I dont have it anymore. On the second photo you can see that my visor sits very flush with the inside.


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DL44 Blaster said:
Yes,but you want a dark green for Boba Fett....a bit darker than the Stunt Stormtrooper lenses.

No definately a smokey black tint, it looks better :)
An kind of green would look silly with a green helmet :facepalm

I was told by a guy in the local welding shop that face gaurds only come in clear and a sort of yellow colour
I asked the question of the color a while back. What I was told is that ESB Boba is a dark green and ROTJ Boba was a black or dark smoke. I dont know so I just bought mine from BM.
Guys, check the link that BobaFettish posted. It has ALOT of info. ESB Fett was green, and if I recall ROTJ was smoke. And the welding guy you talked to was wrong and quite possibly blind if that's all he knew. :) Go to Grainger supply if you have one in your city. They have the replacement visors.
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