Anyone know how to get in touch with Cerillo?

Just hoping this can open up communication, in fact I got a PM from him on the RPF this morning again promising to come through.
We've been here before though, so if I get at least one or two more conversations, it would be a record which would be a much appreciated surprise.
There are two sides to every story, Sadly this one (like so many) have spun out of control so I will squash the drama right now.

In 2008 Ely was making full frontal casts of the Han in carbon from his Illusive Concept Prototype Which he offered here on TDH. Once I saw the thread in the Cargo Hold I made and offer of $1,500.00. I then drove to San Fran to pick it up and bring it home after PM'ing him with my Phone No#, place and time to meet, We met at his home and the deal was done. Six monthes later in 2009 I saw that he started a thread on the RPF stating that he would be selling items for personnel reasons. I again PM'd him reguarding the Han in carbon and I offered him $4000.00. After making arrangements for pick up, I drove to San Fran, However I was short $1,000.00 because I wasn't paid what I though I would get, So I offered $3,000.00 cash and would pay the remaining balance when I got the money. Of course the bottom dropped out and times became hard. I still contacted him and tried to make payment arrangements, but it wasn't possible because of the lack of work and the demand in bills. I have all the e-mails saved from day one and I will post them if needed.

I don't want this to become a popcorn issue.

For the record I have paid $4,500.00; and I will pay the $1,000.00 after that I will be free and clear.

As for this post.

Hey there
Sorry to hear this. Chris is notorious about dropping of the grid. He has dropped the ball for me a couple of times and I'm still waiting to hear from him about his Vader photos he promised to send but never did yet will still complain that he hasn't been approved!

Who are you? I don't even know you. Marie Preston was the GML at the time I was requesting an SL no#.
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California: Southern California Garrison
Map of Unit Members
Roster of Unit Member Costumes
501st Southern California Garrison

Territory Occupied:
Southern California (United States)

San Diego Squad
squad members
501st Southern California Garrison

Inland Empire Squad
squad members
501st Southern California Garrison

CO: Lesley A Farquhar(TR 3774)
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XO: Scott Allen(SL 9854)
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GML: Nathan Mutter(BH 439)
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GML: Daryl Hokama(TI 8086)
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GWL: Barry Chan(TC 1588)
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GWL: Samuel A Hornedo(TK 1064)
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GPR: Lawrence Green(TK 7335)
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GWM: Chris Romines(TB 111)
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GCR: Scott Allen(SL 9854)
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GMB: Chris Holt (TD 963)
email mo

Ben Townend BH/TD-2367
Where are you in the chain of Command?
Thanks for getting back to me Chris and hopefully we can get this resolved.
Actually your offer was for $3K for the Artist Proof Han Solo in Carbonite. I had offers of $2.5K but you beat those out with your offer.
I'll have to check what you paid for the first front panel, but I think that was also less than what you wrote here.

Again, hopefully we can get this resolved amicably.

Just an update on this, another year has passed and there has been no updates. . .that is all :(
If anyone can get in contact with Chris again, please let me know.
dang. i know times are tough now, but all this time if he gave you like $50 bucks a month it would have been paid off! Hope this gets worked out buddy!
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