another ESB paint job


Well-Known Hunter
Well guys here is my attempt at an ESB bucket. Its not entirely screen accurate (didn't use templates) and the right cheek needs to be redone as the masking tape took a previous layer off :angry

btw i used mustard if anyones wants to know.










Hey Ronin! Looking nice! You may have over done the weathering a little bit. Is that the helmet that you made? Or is that the one you picked up off of ebay?


Its the one i picked up off ebay. Yer i know what you mean about the weathering. I am going to look at the right cheek once i get home tonight and I may try to lessen the silver weathering on the dome as well by extending the base grey. I am hoping that once the mandibles and back are done, I can then tone everything down with a light misting of brunswick green and that should kinda even everything out.
I normally draw all of my weathering on with a pencil before I lay some mustard on :) That way I know generally what it will look like before I start to make some permanent marks :D How long did you take to paint that bucket?

How long did you take to paint that bucket?


About 36hrs with the drying times for the paint (the silver was put on in two coats last week).

I should have marked my scratches on before hand with pencil, but hey nevermind. I hope it will look ok when the entire bucket is painted. May be once everything is weathered and dirty the scratches will blend in a little more.

thanks for the advise though Andy :cheers
I'm painting a bucket right now myself, it's actually a gift for someone I'll meet on Tuesday, I hope I get it done in time! I need to paint the mandibles red so far, other than that it's pretty much done.

It takes me about two weeks to paint a bucket, I'm pretty slow at it! I am a big procrastinator, I realised, "Crap, I've got 7 days to go, I should finish this thing!"

How's your scratch built helmet coming along? Did you pull one out of the mould yet? I'd love to see one fully painted :)
It takes me about two weeks to paint a bucket, I'm pretty slow at it! I am a big procrastinator, I realised, "Crap, I've got 7 days to go, I should finish this thing!"

How's your scratch built helmet coming along? Did you pull one out of the mould yet? I'd love to see one fully painted :)

:lol: thats me all over :lol: always running out of time.

I haven't pulled one of my own from the mold yet as i spent all my 'Fett' allowance on paints and an airbrush this month :lol: The wife gets really angry if i spend more than $100 a month on my Fett, so it was either paint or fibreglass this month, and the bucket just sat there calling to me :lol:

btw way do you think i could get away with the scratches? I would hate to have to sand this thing down and start again, but i take all your comments very seriously as you guys are the experts.

OMG $100 a month on Fett. I dread to think how much i have spent on this costume in the last two years :lol: I estimated about $700 but i think it could be at least twice that amount. Opps ;)
Haha, you and I are big into scratch building, and you have a ton of skill into what you do. How much of your costume did you build yourself? The only thing that I didn't do was the Helmet, Gauntlets, and Boots.

About thes scratches, I wouldn't worry about them. Once you get the bucket dirtied up they will blend in. And if you don't think it's accurate, someone else will, haha. You could put that helmet on and be called Buzz Lightyear ;)

I really don't know how much I spent on my costume...

Helmet $50, Gauntlets $5, Vest $5, Cape $5, Pouches $5, Pouches $5 vinyl, stole wood from a construction site, Boots my own shoes, Jumpsuit $30, Armor $80, Paint $20, Gloves $5, Jet Pack $30.

Helmet $30, Gauntlets $110, Vest $20, Cape Free, Boots $115, Jumpsuit $15, Armor $7, Paint $20, Gloves $10, Jet Pack $15, Blaster $30.

As you see my prices are extremely low, I scratch build EVERYTHING I can. I love my mom for her sewing ;)
I was working out how much I had spent on my stuff the other day. And I'm looking at around £2000! It's probably the most expensive thing in my house!:lol:

That's some good work there Jon. For your first attempt with an airbrush I am impressed! I think perhaps the inner cheeks may be a little too dark, but it could be the light. As for the scratches being "over-done", I think you can get away with it. you can alway do a bit of touch up with the green again afterwards.

I'm looking forward to seeing the mandibles done, that's always my favourite part.

Great start mate!:thumbsup:
Haha, you and I are big into scratch building, and you have a ton of skill into what you do. How much of your costume did you build yourself? The only thing that I didn't do was the Helmet, Gauntlets, and Boots.

About thes scratches, I wouldn't worry about them. Once you get the bucket dirtied up they will blend in. And if you don't think it's accurate, someone else will, haha. You could put that helmet on and be called Buzz Lightyear ;)

:cheers Scratch built rules :lol:

I have built everything on my costume except for the gauntlets (and this bucket). Everything else has been scratch built. The money just dissappears though on materials, paints and then upgrading everything two or three times:lol:

btw your kit rules

You know what, I think i could pass my bucket off a Buzz Lightyear :lol: or may be the cowboys hat ;)
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Hey Ronin, I think you've done a pretty good job so far.:cheers Just out of curiosity, what paints are ya usin'?

I haven't pulled one of my own from the mold yet as i spent all my 'Fett' allowance on paints and an airbrush this month :lol: The wife gets really angry if i spend more than $100 a month on my Fett, so it was either paint or fibreglass this month, and the bucket just sat there calling to me :lol:

Look at the bright side of that though ... at least you can keep your spending under control. I've gone WAY overboard with my Fett spending ... but then again I have been really addicted to these costumes!
Hey Ronin, I think you've done a pretty good job so far.:cheers Just out of curiosity, what paints are ya usin'?

humbrol enamels i've used:
base grey: 79 lightened slightly with 64
dome and cheeks: 78
upper cheeks: 33.
dark purple on mandibles/trim: 73+96+33.
red on mandibles/trim: 73.
L/H ear: 28 then 60 then 78 with a touch of 159.
R/H ear 94.
kill stripes: 154 faded to back with a touch of 82.
Helmet back: 28 with a dash of 103, then 76 and 96 for the blue/ green, green/blue.

these are the colours Terminal Fettler used and I think they work well.
:cheers Scratch built rules :lol:

I have built everything on my costume except for the gauntlets (and this bucket). Everything else has been scratch built. The money just dissappears though on materials, paints and then upgrading everything two or three times:lol:

btw your kit rules

You know what, I think i could pass my bucket off a Buzz Lightyear :lol: or may be the cowboys hat ;)
Haha, thanks! Do you plan to scratch build the gauntlets in the future?

Do you guys have Halloween over in Britain?

Hey Ronin, I think you've done a pretty good job so far.:cheers Just out of curiosity, what paints are ya usin'?

Look at the bright side of that though ... at least you can keep your spending under control. I've gone WAY overboard with my Fett spending ... but then again I have been really addicted to these costumes!
I don't think you'd be happy if you didn't get the chances for constant upgrades ;)

humbrol enamels i've used:
base grey: 79 lightened slightly with 64
dome and cheeks: 78
upper cheeks: 33.
dark purple on mandibles/trim: 73+96+33.
red on mandibles/trim: 73.
L/H ear: 28 then 60 then 78 with a touch of 159.
R/H ear 94.
kill stripes: 154 faded to back with a touch of 82.
Helmet back: 28 with a dash of 103, then 76 and 96 for the blue/ green, green/blue.

these are the colours Terminal Fettler used and I think they work well.
I've been using the rattle cans :D

I was working out how much I had spent on my stuff the other day. And I'm looking at around £2000! It's probably the most expensive thing in my house!:lol:

That's some good work there Jon. For your first attempt with an airbrush I am impressed! I think perhaps the inner cheeks may be a little too dark, but it could be the light. As for the scratches being "over-done", I think you can get away with it. you can alway do a bit of touch up with the green again afterwards.

I'm looking forward to seeing the mandibles done, that's always my favourite part.

Great start mate!:thumbsup:
Most expensive thing in the house, that's funny :D My most expensive item would be my computer...
How's the painting coming along?

About your wife keeping money tight on you for Fett is a pretty good idea, limiting you to $100 a month got you a really nice Fett over time. How ever, when I'm married and if my wife where to try to monitarily limit me, I'd have to say, "Honey, I love you, but it's not going to happen."
HAHA, I have the problem of my wife constantly wanting to keep the checkbook up to date. Crazy women, can't get anything buy them. I recently got a DC-15 and my wife just looks at the checkbook and looks at me and says these exact words "What Star Wars thing did you buy now?"
HAHA, I have the problem of my wife constantly wanting to keep the checkbook up to date. Crazy women, can't get anything buy them. I recently got a DC-15 and my wife just looks at the checkbook and looks at me and says these exact words "What Star Wars thing did you buy now?"
Haha, my family's gotten used to the fact that I spend 99% of my money on Star Wars.
Most expensive thing in the house, that's funny :D My most expensive item would be my computer...

No seriously! It is! I had to take out seperate insurance for it!:lol:

We do have halloween over here, but its not as much as a big deal. Personally I don't like Halloween, all the scummy kids seem to think it's the perfect opportunity to lose all morals - if they have any in the first place that is!:confused
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